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09/07/2004 - 11:13 p.m. | old entry #3

The plan, well, the plan was to finally make the giant leap, plug back in the ethernet cord to my computer (The ethernet cord that Kyle, not I, dragged all the way up here, a mere few feet away, and which has been lying there, a few feet away, for about three or four days now), and write out at least a brief diary entry for tonight, laying ground for the mega-entry (or series of entries) that would hopefully follow the next day (tomorrow). All assuming I have tomorrow off, which I do. *checks* Yes. *double checks* Yes. But, you know, karma and me, we play out our little cat-and-mouse thing, and it doesn't work bing-bang-boom like it did with Kyle and Shelly and Spritz's computers. Not only does it not work - it actually fucks up the internet on their computers. Well, fine. I mean, obviously I can deal - I didn't even really want it until I couldn't have it - and I don't play games online, and I pretty much hate anyone IMing me, but I was just explaining the situation to you, WordPad file, so that you could better understand that I was at least planning on trying to do my best.

Anyway, I am going to give you a crazy mixed-up timeline, so that I will be like Tarantino in that a) I can actually write, and b) I know what I am doing. Also, it would seem my computer visuals have gone a little faggy since the big move. I have some theories about this, namely that I didn't let Doc Ock charge up enough before booting up the first time, causing all sorts of crazy blinking technicolor boxes and squiggles to appear all over the damn place. This would be the computer's revenge, I think. "We shall make some of the text look like an ancient treasure map!" Well, joke's on you, shitbox: I fucking LOVE treasure maps.

UPHEAVAL AT CANDY STORE! On Friday afternoon, I walked (Don't you love how I change tenses pretty much any time I please? Don't you?!) into the candy store. Two people I have never seen before are dressed in blue aprons - one behind the counter (a guy), one near the entrance (a girl). The girl sees me and goes, "Welcome to Inside Scoop! Can I help you find anything?" "Uh, I work here. I know where everything is." I go into the back room and Scott, Amy, and Andrea are all there - all three higher-ups. And it would seem Jane has been let go. However could this have happened, you ask? Perhaps the three employees she hired - and fired - in the space of a week each? The flagrant racism? The fact that our store's numbers have yet to reach the black in like 2 years? I blame her laugh. Anyway, long-term, I guess this is good news, as we will actually have some employees there soon and maybe a competent manager, but for the here and now it is sort of suck as I am stuck in this place for all this time with these strangers - the crazy anal people who run the company and their hand-selected Chosen Few to support us until we get back on our feet. Well, shit.

To be fair, the guy, Ryan, is actually pretty cool, and I'm glad that he's the one that will be staying here for the week. The chick, Tiffani (Actually, I have no proof that she spells it with an "i," but I hate her enough to speculate as such) was a total pud. I know, bad insult context, but it fits in this case. I mean, I'm sure the Inside Scoop people love her, but it's for all the wrong reasons. She tries to be all friendly, but it's so fake and awful that I die a little inside each time she leaps on a customer. "CAN I HELP YOU FIND ANYTHING BLAHRGNGM!" Then, Scott does the same thing, so maybe I'm supposed to be awful as well.

UPDATE: I vaugely remember that I was going to write a lot more for this entry, something about the rest of the weekend and some party and things I did and the same old longing for whatever, blah blah blah. This will just have to do as is.

I won't be soothed,