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09/07/2004 - 11:13 p.m. | old entry #4

I convinced Spritz to go to Wendy's based upon my newfound philosophy of life. That's gotta count for something. He was all like, "Wendy's is bad for you." Everything is bad for you, man. And in the end you're going to die. And then he said something about how you can try and delay death, but seriously, who wants that? (Well, OK, people who fear death) But are those extended years any good? No. I don't care how well you take yourself. When you get old, shit is going to start failing, and you'll be miserable, and if you aren't, you're still going to die anyway. Exercise and healthy eating don't affect cancer. So, you know what? Eat what the fuck you want. If you're fat, well, fuck... you're screwed then, I guess, but you should be welcoming death anyway, so just go to Wendy's, OK? And as far as I can tell it worked.

And then I met this girl at Brytne's party tonight, and I was fairly attracted to her (FINE IT HAS BEEN ADMITTED), and I had a feeling she was maybe the same. But isn't this how all of my entries go? This is an inherent problem of being Nate Walsh. I go, "All girls look alike," and yeah, they sort of do. And then I like one maybe, maybe because she looks like she might like me. And then I speculate and do nothing. It must be getting annoying to you readers. Virtual readers, because God knows when this is posted, so right now I am the only one who reads this. And Michelle is all pissy for once, because she isn't good at a game, which I think is pretty funny, mostly because I find competitive people sort of annoying. Scratch the "sort of." Just annoying.

Bits and pieces. Bits and pieces. I've sort of thought about smoking marijuana maybe because I am tired of feeling like Nate Walsh all the time.... But have I really become so fatalist? I used to be so against smoking since I figured it fucked up your lungs and shit, but really, where am I now? For the third time this year, I've spent about a week coughing up big hunks of phlegm as far as I can tell for no reason. So why not the lung cancer? Follow my own damn advice. Is it a waste of a life? Doubtful, as long as I can still function. Because I think that is still important.

We went to Alien vs. Predator tonight. It was about as expected - useless violence - so I was satisfied. I kept wanting to sing, "Hang in there friends forever," though, because eventually the heroine teamed up with a predator, and I thought it was maybe cute, even as I was thinking of Danny Glover calling the one "pussyface." Ha ha ha. And now I have to maybe skittle off to another party: Monday night, who knew?

So, weird how social circles run together, huh? Run together like.... colored socks in the wash. Fucking trying to be poetic or something. Anyway, Rahoul invited Spreepz to some party, and when we get there, it's all these different people I've encountered. The other Asian Journalism Ros (the one who used to date Buttfaced Jew?) and Giovanni (who is going to buy illegal fireworks with me next July, and don't think I'll forget) and fucking Sarah Zhong (Yeah, Google that, America!) who maybe tried to acknowledge my presense, but I am doubtful of this and will stay the fuck away. And, I dunno, maybe it was because it was more my type of people, but I talked to a lot more than usual. This Owen guy fucking loved me, said he'd cook me dinner, and then I recognized this one girl, Alison Helm (Heim, she says... Whatever) from my fucking Facebook when I added her because I thought she was cute, and now we are going out sometime, I think? Maybe not. I can come on a little strong.

Did you know that sometimes I use words incorrectly on purpose?

I won't be soothed,