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03/22/2004 - 2:14 a.m. | Hi , get healthy or die:-)

It seems I can't be a recluse even if I try. With Kyle gone on Tuesday and Spritz back on Wednesday, that'll be like 6 hours alone. That's like a shift at Freer. Bullshit. Now what am I gonna whine about? I was gonna post this hilarious comic from the DI about the four types of Spring Break people, and how I was the "on-campus isolated solitary," but I don't even have that now. Stupid friends always being around. Pardon if I sound arrogant, but I do my best work alone. I mean, you have to reach a certain state of mind to start getting the right ideas in your head ("Why sure, I can probably make a garbage parachute!" "And yeah! I can probably figure out how to make impact-igniting smoke bombs!"), and it takes boredom and isolation to reach that state. Now, it'll just be boredom. Weak, dude. Pretty damn weak.

And now it stretches out even further, as I'm going home for a while starting tomorrow. Be warned; return of the bitching about shitty modems and the lack of choice cable channels. I spent all of today trying to get this one specific goal in my game done, and, ignoring everything else - hygiene, conversation, nutrition - I was almost there - so, so close! - and then this one guy I had to talk just vanished completely. Guess I'll have to hack the gibson further on up the road, but by that point my eyes were on the verge of rocketing out of my skull ("Please! No more!"), and Kyle's were too, strangely enough, so we went to his parents' and had food shoved down our respective gullets for an hour or two. Roll up my pant legs and take aspirin ("GENEBS") until I don't hurt anymore. For some reason, Kyle's dad seems to think I am interested in RV's maybe, and while I am not actually, it is a pretty cool thing to have somebody think you're interested in.

Despite Kyle's pleas and objections, and after a lot of searching for a good zombie or vampire movie, we went for the exact opposite and got School of Rock and Gattaca. Both were pretty good, I think, but Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman kind of annoy me while Jack Black is the most entertaining man in the whole world. He's just so over the top (and chubby) and the way he expounds on this crazy mantra of rock with total seriousness was just great. And it's weird that the kids were all so good. Joan Cusack was a bit too creepy of a mutant in this one, though. Where did genetics go wrong? Speaking of which, I really didn't see why it would be such a huge hassle for there to be perfect people in Gattaca. I mean, you could still make fun of them. Perfect guy falls over, you gasp, "What! But I thought you were engineered to be the best at not falling!" Pretty much can do that with everything. "I thought you were engineered to be the best at Jenga!"

And while we are on the subject of making fun of everyone, here are the newest Hotornot candidates. Wait - strike that. Candid-DATES. Ugh - well, that turned me off to the idea. Forget it. No, forget the forgetting. I've done the work now.

From, uh, Sullivan:

Keywords: Are too boring to mention, but here is a quote from her info: "I write stories that I have shared with a few people and that's where I got part of my username."
Comments: What an odd, detailed story for something I still know nothing about. "So, I love naming animals after literary characters, so my one particular pet is named after this one key player in this thing that I read." You are enigmatic, and that's why I love you! Also, your hot, hot Mac desktop.

Oh, Canada!

Keywords: cherries, goodcharlotte, guys, hot guys, partyin, peircings, skateboarding
Comments: "hey whats shakin? umm... thats my favortie word." I would like to have a FavorTie so that whenever I am doing somebody a very formal favor, they can be clearly aware of it through my apparel, but now I'm just making cheap shots, aren't I? Because I wasn't before. Anyway... Urge to say, "Give it up, prom date!" rising... When you take the "G" off the word without putting an apostrophe in its place, it's like giving J. Edgar Hoover the finger, and that's all right in my book. Skate punk like me!

In the middle of a big, white square:

Keywords: evanescence, fashion design, fast cars, godsmack, gyros, jesus, rainbows
Comments: Actually, she took me off of her double match list recently, I guess because I never responded in kind to the generic free note hotornot allows her to send me ("hey cutie, want to chat? pay $6! xoxo, random"). But don't you worry! I started frantically trying to add her back to my list, so hopefully she will get the message. I cannot stand rejection. Some weird contrasts here, by the way.

Keywords: athletic, break dancers, eminem, powerpuff girls, sense of humour
Comments: "I know i'm no supermodel i'm not hot but i do want to meet new people =)" <3 <3 <3 Hug!

Keywords: ben folds, bisexuality, cartoons, marijuana, nympho, oral, road trips, sex, the country
Comments: "Oh! & army guys make me laugh!" ....... oh? One of those people you always see when you're trying the fun keywords and assume is prolly just a guy in disguise or something. At least she contacted me first.

And no! I don't do this just to make short entries look longer! So, wait... Am I correct in thinking that Clamato is tomato juice with seafood flavoring in it? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!

I won't be soothed,