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12/17/2003 - 4:42 a.m. | i say you got to toast me

What is dedication? Dedication is writing in my crazy diary at 5 in the morning even as my stomach is brewing up a fantastic shit hurricane as we speak. And yes, you did need to know that. If I have to fucking know it, you need to as well.

Woke up sort of late for my doctor's appointment today, so that I arrived like ten minutes late. Too late, it seems, to actually have a shot at an appointment. Funny, seeing as how I normally have to wait around fifteen or twenty minutes anyway. So that's put off 'til Friday at a more reasonable hour. Back half an hour later to sleep.

Did that for a while, then I dunno - sitting or whatever, showering, until Spritz could pull his vanity together and we could go to lunch. Fraternized with the mutants at Wendy's (I've realized that no one has yet tapped the dramatic potential of the fast food restaurant... I might have to fix this problem), then Spritz dropped me off at Dank's where the Lord of the Rings dorkfest was already getting underway. I swear it's impossible to get Spritz to remember a favor unless you have a vagina. Brytne showed up later, followed by Spritz with the news that Kyle had been in a car accidnet. No one was hurt, but his car got fuxed. I know your pain, buddy. Boy, do I know it. Kyle and his brother showed up eventually, followed by a much later appearance by Joe. This brings our total up to ten. Ten dorks watching dorky movies and talking about dorky RPGs dork dork dork dork. There. Overused that word for the next century or so. We didn't really pay all that much attention to the movies because, well, they took up like eight hours for one thing. Jared, Will, and Spritz roamed in and out, playing UO in the downtimes. Dank and I have our unique symbiotic perfection: He's read more of the books more times, I think, but I have my sickening memory, so we had no problem being complete nerds about it. And everyone else just wanted to see enough to understand the last movie, which requires more or less nothing at all. Mostly just talking and hanging out, and I really don't do that often, so yahoo. The idea was thrown around that I should dress up as Boba Fett but quickly scraped when our supply list was realized. We had to cut things sort of short at the end so that we could get to the theatre early enough.

Dank made a perfect three track CD: "Yakety Saks," "Hey Ya," "I Believe In a Thing Called Love." Well, perhaps you don't think it is, but again - weird symbiotic perfection. Everyone else is just along for the ride. I don't really understand how we got into the theatre. There was a long line running backwards from what I understand and then I thing we got in the wrong part of it, cut over or something, and made it to the hallway really early. We continued to hassle the usher until she let us, and we more or less had our pick of the seats. Only half an hour to spare, too. There was a bizarre ad for jeans: "SEVEN FOR ALL MANKIND" or something. Nevermind. No point in explaining. Theatre ended up being pretty packed. And ARG - what does it say on that guy's hat in the copyright thingie? I even remembered his name so I could look him up, and it brings me no closer to answers.

The movie was pretty good - went by a lot faster than the previous two, I think. Some notable things were changed, but I could see the reasons for it. As a trilogy, it's all pretty damn amazing. Dunno - don't want to say too much, but it was swell. More importantly, saw the trailer for the new Harry Potter movie. It's gonna be great! Too bad I will see it alone amongst all the ten year olds. That will be less great.

Adventure ride back to Dank's for more pizza and time wasting and now here I am. I've taken to tossing matches and my thumb is much the worse for it, currently with a big hole burnt in it. Also, it seems the stats final is cumulative and not over just chapter nine as I had previously hoped and prayed. This means I have to learn a whole year's worth of stuff tomorrow. And actually learn learn it or something because whatever I did the previous few times just counted as one big pile of ball suck. If you want to get me up, I will turn the annoying ring on my phone. Otherwise, the day will be sucked down the terlet as is the norm.

I won't be soothed,