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12/03/2003 - 1:53 a.m. | go back in your mind... 20 years in time...

Whoa! It should not be 2 already. But it is!! Ugh. Gotta write.

So, more or less the entirety of today was spent on the three online quizzes for advertising. Balls? Yes, quite. I guess it's the most work I've done all semester, and admittedly it still wasn't very hard. I just have to sit around Googling the teacher's poorly worded phrases over and over, trying to find someone on the whole of the internet who knows what he's talking about. Then a few hours of thesaurus time, and we're all set! Lots of you would not have the patience for this sort of thing, but there is where we are different. I can for hours and do this bullshit whereas sitting in a classroom for an hour twice a week is more or less death pain. And besides, you'll never know the insane joy of finally stumbling on a right answer after so, SO many guesses.

Incidentally, does anybody happen to know the answer to these three questions? By chance. Just out of curiosity. It's not like they are for anything specific or anything. I'll take my B+/A-...

  • Which source of need recognition is associated with a change in a person's financial situation, employment status, lifestyle, etc according to lecture?

  • Cumulative learning from the past helps consumers solve problems more efficiently. The consumer strategy of habitualizing decision making or routinizing problem solving is associated with what learning concept?

  • When customers stop liking what they liked in the past, or outgrow their tastes in things like music, wine or art, this is known specificaly as...

Ironically, in my search for a one or two word answer to these questions, I have learned more than... yes, pretty much everyone on the subjects they cover. I would say the punishment fits the crime. I really haven't done much else today. Sad, right? I went to advertising, which was all of a half hour long. Good news, though: Only one final project now, and two of these damn quizzes are eliminated. Good enough. Also I had a lemonade Blow Pop, and it was amazing.

This is not to say that I didn't take breaks today. Plenty of Disney Channel and other various things (it seems I like both Joe Schmo, who is like the nicest guy ever, and Ellen Degenerous, who has an awesome talk show and doesn't feel the need to focus on her lesbianism and can just be cute and funny and awesome). Kyle kept coming in to, well, make noise, which is fine by me (although the cops came again because of alleged - and this is a direct quote - "horsin' around??" I dunno - stupid trolls). He tried to launch lime Tic Tacs in my mouth and blew lots of spit bubbles while trying to recite the alphabet and screamed songs, and we ate some fried food, and then I went out with Spritz for more fried food (from Wendy's), and I am drinking what more or less amounts to marker water so it's been a good day. I am plumb tuckered, though.

Jared Lu says I should make it so my diary loads in my AIM profile. That way, you can read my stupid shit while you are compulsively reading away messages (and I know you do it... even if you don't talk to me). I dunno - it sort of seems like a good idea, but I do like the old happles an awful lot. What do you think?

I won't be soothed,