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11/22/2003 - 1:59 a.m. | Allergic Jones made a slight miscalculation.

Always, always be grateful. There have been times when the forces have been rallied in my favor, and I really didn't understand how much I appreciated until the time seems to have passed. I can't change this, I guess, but hopefully I learned something from it.

Got up, fully intending to shower and get myself together, but I think I started reading movie reviews or lyrics to New Edition songs or something, and then I had to go. Journalism was brief, cutting down the potential learning I could do by an even greater margin. Tests and things are coming up already, it seems. This just seems shocking to me, but this is of course because I have no way of measuring time. The days fly by as lumps of... whatever. Also, there was some sort of chocolate milk paper machete on the floor. I don't know the relevence of this, but I mention it because perhaps it will reveal itself down the road. All the girls had bar crawl shirts on today, and they were all in sororities and were all happy and chatty, and this big annoying fat guy was talking to them, and I just don't understand it. How can I not do that? I don't like to think I'm too smart for it, because it doesn't feel like it's true, but maybe I overthink things? TOo quick to judge? I wish I could have it easier, to not pay attention to the things I do. Since I had some time left 'til econ, I went to the Union and stared off into space. I don't allow myself to do much plain old thinking anymore; I'm all about the multitask... so maybe it's good that I allowed myself this. Not that I stumbled on anything particularly brilliant. Just cleaning out the pipes.

Dr. Magelli (the econ professor) is being a bitch about this last test. 5 of the questions he won't be giving in advance, and they'll be from some random lecture. Stupid man trying to foil lazy stupids. I've learned your aggregrate supply curve. Don't ask too much of me. I was temporarily tattooed, and I guess the quiz was no big.

For sure - for sure - thought I was ready for the stats test. I took meticulous notes and went through all the homework problems and understood all of them and wrote down the things I thought might confuse me during the test, and I felt so ready, but I just got screwed again. Will laughed when the bell rang at the end of class. I was filled with joy myself, although his may have been sarcastic. I dunno - it just confirms my beliefs: I am an LAS student. My weaknesses are math and science, and my strengths are everything else. Fuck off.

On the way to class today, a car was backing out of a sorority, and she totally wasn't seeing me, so I had to do this last second dodge. Apparently, the bicyclist behind me saw and rode up to congratulate me on my smooth move. That's right, man. I'm good at plenty of things. Then Spritz almost backed into me as well, so I went and got a haircut with him. Not sure why, but I felt some sort of connection with my, er, stylist today. I mean, I didn't really talk any more than usual, and she used this gross blue paste in my hair that sort of smells funny and Spritz said looked like pre-birth, but she was meticulous and there was just... something. I get these hunches, you know. And they are wrong, of course. But at least this one isn't bad.

WE'VE GOT A HOUSE!!! I called today, and then after a substantial wait for Kyle ("Hey, mom and dad - yeah, there's this house we want..."), Spritz and I went to pay the deposit and sign. :D So happy! Dave Kraft (our landlord) is adorable for one, but man! A house! With a yard! Snow forts and piles of leaves and trick-or-treaters and our own bunny pen and eeeeeee! Excited!

Then I just sort of drifted around for many, many hours. I alternated between cartoons and practicing my card throwing. Of course, "deadly force and pinpoint accuracy" are a long way off, but I do have a whole week at home! And cards are cheap entertainment. I really want books, but I have this thing where I think libraries are for wusses and only like buying books. Probably the same reason I buy A LOT more CDs than I download. Now that my computer has started crashing with some frequency, I got desperate and took it apart to see where the death rattle was coming from. As Spritz guess, it's the fan - the one on the chip, specifically. This can lead to bad things, so the sooner I switch to the other one, the better. I keep coaxing it to live on. "Come on, gel. You keep at it 'til Friday!" In a Scottish accent.

Lisa come over sometime after "My Life as a Teenage Robot" and me pooping rivers. She is whiny, but I think she does it for my benefit. If this makes sense to you, let me know. She ransacked my computer as is the norm and then we watched TV because she is in cable withdrawl. Then a slow walk back because of her stupid "Proud Family" Lacienaga dance. I mean, great!

We were supposed to watch a movie, but that got put off and I slowly got absorbed into this VH1 special about bubblegum pop culture. I swear it ended up being like three hours long. I'd think it'd be about done, and then another half hour would pass. David Cassidy's teenage daughter is adorable!! Too bad her pop career totally flopped. Apparently, pop has passed, and now the teenagers like more serious music by artists like Michelle Branch and Avril Lavigne. As a teenager myself (for one more blessed year), I figure I better jump on this fucking bandwagon while I can. Because I've supported Avril in pretty much all of her endeavors. Except the music.

I am jittery as hell, but one must fall. And I suppose it should be me.

I won't be soothed,