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11/12/2003 - 3:51 a.m. | hotter than you've ever seen

Okay, so I just got finished writing about 1,400 words in 2 and a half hours, and I'm pretty sure I could bang you out a couple of thousand if you wanted then. But you don't, and it's late, and I guess I will just shimmy along here.

Today was my Work Day, I guess (although I guess it's technically Veteran's Day, which is sad because now I hardly notice it at all because we don't get it off). Much of the day was spent interviewing people on AIM about their online diaries and such for my journalism feature story. Perhaps I am being conceited, but I think I have just the teensiest bit of a knack at interviewing people. We'll assume it is because I am non-threatening. But anyway, I almost always - and pretty much unintentionally, as far as I can tell - lead people to say what I want them to say. It's not trickery, I guess, but I think I might have some, dunno, Columbo quality where I seem nicer than I am so my questions can be a little shocking. I like this, I think. I catch people in their webs of lies. Is that wrong? Go ahead and shoot me down. The work was made more difficult by this, which I had to watch a few times over. AND POORLY.

I kept trying to do work, but I would get sidetracked by... man, I don't even know what! Spritz and I tried to tan once, but they were bitches. You're supposed go once every 24 hours, and they're like, "Oop! 23 hours, 17 minutes! Looks like you're screwed!!" Grrr. So we came back. In the meantime, I met Lis for dessert at Krannert. I'm excited! We're gonna see Kronos Quartet!

This April.

Yeah, struck us as funny, too. And even though there's plenty of time, tickets are already flying fast. She said I should deliver milk and have a basket. She also said I am an artfag, which it might sort of seem like on the surface, but I swear it is just an unusual combination of circumstances. One, the glasses. This is because my left contact is now more or less a shard of glass, and I am unwilling to stick it in my eye. Two, the coat. Only one I have. Three, the shoes. I fucking like my shoes, damn it. OK, bad argument. Four, the hair. Well, it needs some work because it still looks like I have bloody scalp, but it will improve. I am goth, though, damn it!

I remember looking at my watching and seeing that it was 3 already and being all upset, like, "Man, the day's already almost over, and I've got so much to do!" Then I remembered that I was going to be up for another 12 hours. And this was an understatement. I think it's cute how my internal clock functions on normal time even as the rest of me drifts further and further away from it. You crazy Normals.

Anyway, I focused my efforts and did my advertising survery assignment on stupid Rockstar energy drink, which required me to buy a can. Which also in turn required me to be a bag of guacamole Lay's even though they taste like fucking "Cooler Ranch" Doritos what the hell is wrong with me? Kyle and I had microwaved pot roast and orange Infuse. It tasted like B.O., I swear to you. Work some more and then shortly after I finished, we went to get Brytne, hit Late Night, and rent Interview with the Vampire. How does "Everybody Hurts" consistently make me cry? Explain, you. While I am not a fan of any of the actors in the film, it was still a pretty good movie, and I might have to move on to reading Anne Rice books, although that is totally not indie enough, right?

And I've been writing since then. Tomorrow I get to register for classes! I hope I get non-butt-screwed if at all possible. On the plus side, I am done with the vast majority of things I wanted to be done with, so yay me! *waves tiny flag around* Remember when I used to be interesting to talk to? OK, that's a lie. But I used to be the only one around and then I was at least special in that aspect. My ass is getting more stellar by the minute, however. You can barely feel the bone jabbing through these days. Man, don't ever ask me what I wrote about the night before because I never have any idea.

I won't be soothed,