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10/14/2003 - 2:21 a.m. | back - and to the left

Let's be positive and say this was a really... uncomplicated day. Two classes, one of which I just read and talk to Will in, along with sleeping, eating, and showering. Also several minutes of The Faculty, because I am trashy. Ran some errands with Spritz, including a stop at the world food store. I tried "Champagne Kola" this time. It sucked big time, so I instead I offered it up to my fallen homies on the north side. Or whatever. I ate a whole loaf of French bread at work today, and then they took my desk, so I had to use a tiny chair. Everyone hated it. OK, mostly me probably. The time passed quickly, though, doing homework and reading and generally ignoring my job as much as possible, right up to the end when the security guard started getting all chatty with me. He kept talking about how there's "money to be made out there," but he's sort of fat, so all of his ideas involved food. His masterwork was the idea that McDonald's should offer their food for free as a marketing ploy. "A lot more people would come in then, I bet!" "But, uh, they wouldn't make any money! They'd just give all their product away!" "But there'd be more of them!" "Um." And he just wouldn't let me wrench myself away, no matter how I hinted ("I really have to go now." "I'm leaving." "Die?"). Spritz and I went to Perkins for pie and muffins. I drink so much orange juice it would make you sick. 4 or 5 glasses today. At least. And I really wouldn't mind running out to get some more. But Disney Channel is even too sucky for me now. Brytne and I watched JFK, which is long as hell (200 some minutes!), but actually flew by pretty fast most of the time. I dozed off for a tiny chunk, but it was well done, and it presented a lot of new ideas. Whether or not they are true, I have no idea.

There are always a lot of questions I would like to ask, but who wants to hear damn questions all the time? And imagine the answers I might get in return. Unsettling. So I'll stay back a bit. I am generally uncomfortable touching pretty much anyone. I mean, my intentions are never bad or anything, so I would hope you don't get the wrong idea, but contact with other people, whoever they may be, just throws me off. I force myself to do it, though, mostly through high fives, because I guess those are semi-ironic or something. I just have this feeling that it's not entirely normal not to want to touch anybody ever. I mean, it's certainly not phobic or anything. I would help someone up if they fell down or return a hug if someone tried to hug me, but it would never occur to me to try and make contact with somebody first. I feel like such a strange boy at times. Kyle and Spritz are both advocates of the friendly contact (Yes, I watch them, because that is how I operate - that's all I have sometimes), and they've tried to sell me on its benefits, but I think I am happy being the creepy, introverted one. I mean, introverted enough. Huh?

Of vague importance: I've been writing in here for a year now. I miss the trips to Danville. Other than that, I think things have improved. :F

I won't be soothed,