annals | guests | diaryland

10/15/2003 - 3:01 a.m. | and valium

What? This will be brief. I hate "Elimidate" and everyone on it. Do not go on the show expecting to find someone attractive or nice. Go on there expecting me to make fun of you. You are all ugly and/or awful people. White cheddar cheez doodles are better than you might think. After, er, class, I sat around melting my brain until Spritz got out of class. We went to the mall (him to check the new Express merchandise, which was apparently not in - bastards! me... just 'cause), and then we went to Strawberry Fields for lunch or dinner or something. One down off the list now :) Spritz didn't enjoy it so much, but that's because he foolishly tried a vegetarian sandwich. As Kyle repeats over and over until the day someone finally acknowledges it as clever, vegetarian sandwiches are all predicate. We did score a new aromatherpy stick and this terrible cranberry fizzy drink powder stuff that no one can choke down except myself. And they say I lack talents (I'm a monster at Jeopardy, incidentally). Kyle has taken to asking questions he already knows the answers to simply as a way of annoying me. It is very sitcom-like, so I guess I should appreciate it. Right after he removes the word "FRAN" from his vocabulary.

I did a little teensy bit of homework, editing my journalism article and working on stats a little more. With no desire to watch the Cubs and with a badass headache to boot, I read until sleep overtook me, waking up to go to Late Night ISR with Kyle and Brytne. I totally rocked them as far as M&M cookies go (*runs to grab more*) while Kyle rotated about, bumping into people and screaming about how hot the fries were. In an effort to listen to all of "Brick," we drove to Rentertainment and got WRONG TURN, this horror movie with Eliza Dushku in it. It's so difficult describing Eliza to those of you who haven't watch Buffy. "She's, uh, the one cheerleader in Bring It On! who dances and doesn't really like cheering, and her brother is the hottie that Kirsten Dunst falls for." So much work. SIGH. And then, when you get into the more obscure stuff that only IMDB nerds like myself know, things get impossible. OK, you know the red-haired slutty chick whose perfect tummy (and thighs!!) we see over and over in the deleted scenes part? Yeah, that's Lindy Booth! She was on "Relic Hunter" and more important was the star of Teenage Space Vampires. God damn it. The movie was great fun as far as mocking goes. Inbred hillbillies lurching about, killing and eating people and stealing their shit. We screamed every time a car went around a corner, yelling, "Think that was the WRONG TURN?!?!" Also fun to yell, "I'm a doctor!" at retarded times. Nevermind. Jeffrey Schwarz is my new hero. As far as I can tell, all he does is direct those shitty mini-features on different DVDs. Best job ever.

Everyone left, leaving Michelle to her TAM and me to my Disney Channel. I don't say much because I assume the constant screaming from the TV is enough. "Perhaps I should leave?" I wonder. "All the sound and junk is pretty annoying, I bet." But then that seems rude. Is there such a thing as being overly polite? Anyway, wanna know something that really bothers me about "The Famous Jett Jackson?" Of course you do. See, he's supposed to be this big star on a hit TV show, and in this particular episode he was even making a record and shooting videos and stuff for it, and it just bugs me how cheap everything looks. That's so not a big hit action show. It's some extra running around in black in some sparse room while Jett uses a $20 CG effect of a laser or some shit. It really destroys the reality of it for me, you know? By the way, his rap song at the end made me want to start blinding people. If I had that power, I mean. I guess an ice pick could count as that power, but that seems sort of weak. Michelle thought I was afraid of scary movies. I find that vaguely insulting. "No, stupid! Just everything else!" Gotta pick your fights.

With two suits, two tokens in hand
I got no respect 'cause I'm the new man
Got my shovel, shoes full of sand
Check out the tag, the name is Caveman

I am absolutely convinced that everyone would like me a lot more if I saw them for like an hour each month. Think about it. I would have enough to talk about to fill up a whole hour (unless they read this damn thing!), so I would sound really interesting, and then I'd be gone for a month after that, leaving them longing for more. As it is, way too much Nate for comfort. I just get so nervous trying to think of things to talk about because I sort of think everyone is waiting on me to do so. The best advice, I'm sure, is to relax and just let things come, but I worry they won't come or that they'll be stupid when they do, so I just get rambly instead. And why do I always stay up latest on the night before my long day? I've just got to breathe.

I won't be soothed,