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10/13/2003 - 3:00 p.m. | HUNGEE

I am really in the mood to eat right now, so if you want to go to any of these places any time ever, you just let me know:

  • Strawberry Fields (Turkey Jack!)
  • Cafe Luna (Everything, but tapas especially!)
  • Any halfway decent Italian place (olive oil and bread is a must)
  • La Bamba or pretty much any Mexican place
  • Evo (Gotta try it, right?)
  • Radio Maria (If I can find someone willing to plop down a few bucks, I mean)
OK, that's enough for now. I am so, so hungry, so I think I'm bringing some bread and olive oil to work if you want to join me. It is vaguely disgusting, I know, but then, so am I, so I don't see major issues here.

I won't be soothed,