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09/28/2003 - 1:26 p.m. | my dreamgirl don't exist

I am lately a day behind in explaining the day before, which I for one find annoying. It's not because I have anything better to do, typically; I've just gotten used to sleeping because there is nothing else to do.

Anyway, as planned, I lied around until something I could not watch came on the Disney Channel. This took a long, long time. And it wasn't that I particularly dislike Cadet Kelly; there are just only so many times that one can see it. Therefore, I stole into Kyle's room and borrowed his copy of Total Recall to watch that instead. My mind roams in themes, I guess. I don't have anything to say about this film in particular, except that I really this editted for TV line: "DIIIIIE..... BENNNYYYYY!!" While I pondered the rest of my afternoon, Lisa got desperate (this does not reflect poorly on her so much as on me and how cruddy I am) and asked me if I wanted to go see a movie with her. I agreed.

We hit the Thai place and then hung around Dandelion for a while, both of us buying more than we probably should have. I got 3 shirts (by the way, I need to learn to repair buttons and whatnot) and a maroon corduroy jacket that is too short for me but too short in a way that I hope is charming but probably is not. Lisa got a grandma sweater and a seafoam trenchcoat that she is more than likely still fretting the purchase of. My eternal search for a hat continues, with a very close shave as far as this one hat that makes me look like a little organ grinder monkey goes. Or possibly a racecar helmet. Neither of those sentences made sense. Anyway, although we continue to have our differences, I miss having Lisa around to do artfaggier shit with. Most people are too busy (and she is busy) or simply have no interest in some things or I just can't get along with them or be as comfortable and not worry about talking all the damn time. Do you understand? No, of course not. Because I lack focus.

We went to the revamped art theatre (nice! comfy!) and saw Dirty Pretty Things, this British film about illegal immigrants in London and their secret lives. Poor synopsis on my part, but it was really good, so you should probably go see it. Of course, it gets an automatic +10 from me for having Audrey Tatou in it (so adorable!), but all the actors were great, and the story was interesting, and yes - go. I really want to find out about the root the main character chews to stay up all the time. I am fascinated by things like that. Freak.

Walked Lisa home, then came myself, and began fretting about my cell phone, which had not been working for around 6 hours or so. Not that I have grown so attached to the little bugger (you know that scene in bad sitcoms and movies and stuff where someone's phone rings and like ten people pull out their phones to check if it is their phone? I hate that), but it is supposed to be a convenience, I am paying for it as a convenience, and when I have to call people from pay phones, it is not very convenient. Anyway, apparently like half the Cingular network across the country was down (reassuring) but it was back up by the time I found the right customer service line. The guy was still very nice and helpful, though, which I appreciated a lot.

Everyone else was watching A Mighty Wind - with commentary - and since I hadn't seen the itself, I just came in here and passed out.

I have this tendency to make up distinctions between words and then just sort of assume everyone thinks about them in the same way I do. For instance, I think there is a big difference between being friendly and being nice. A friendly person is outgoing, funny, good to have around for entertainment, etc. A nice person is kind, considerate, caring, etc. I would rather be nice than friendly, I think, but I am noticing a distinct overabundance of friendliness without niceness in the world. We all just need a little more empathy, I think maybe... because I keep finding myself feeling strangely scorned. I mean, it's probably not intentional, and I sure I of all people am overly-sensitive, but still - sometimes I wonder if we think about eachother enough. Makes me a litte sad, maybe even a little angry. Dunno.

Hey - quiz time. Do you have a mole near the middle of your chest? Brytne and I were discussing someone's (forget who's) big chest mole, and we had a brief discussion about chest moles and how everyone seems to have one right around their center. Brytne does, and I just found out I do, so you should all keep me informed as some sort of stupid informal survey. Maybe I'll make a pie chart.

I won't be soothed,