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09/27/2003 - 9:55 a.m. | in a dream (on a bus ((on a busted afternoon))

I woke up yesterday (Friday) in my favorite stage of illness: the trippy, dizzy, feverish one. Everything becomes like 3 times funnier than it normally is and just sitting around is a riot (let alone riding a bike!) So, after that psychotropic adventure, it was time to be hassled some more by the old journalism department. I'm so glad I decided against that as my field. I dunno if it was innate (har!) or what, but I just had a bad vibe about it, and I'm only beginning to understand why. I like writing, right, but I also enjoy a certain amount of creativity (not too much - I don't want to give myself any unnecessary credit), and journalism seems to me to be writing without creativity. So many rules and no style is allowed to seep through at all. Anything interesting turns out to be "editorializing" or something. It's noble, I guess, but I am hardly a noble person and would like a job that at least has the potential of being fun, even if that goal is inconceivable. Anyway, Maggie McFadden (who I am finding less and less cute, by the way) just gives us big piles of busy work ("Eliminate the wordiness!" "Remove the passive voice!") because, once again, I think there is only so much that can be lectured about writing. She still doesn't know the names of lots of people in the class, but she sure knows Zimos and me! We form the back ranks and just giggle and mock relentlessly. Zimos rules. He should come over or we should go over. Yes.

No econ today, so I had some extra time to study/learn statistics. But, that doesn't seem fair, does it? So instead I looked up soccer jerseys for a long time. I'm still in the cautious investigation phase because I seriously doubt I could pull off the look, but I am interested. And Kyle says I look like I could be a soccer player. This is code for I have tiny arms. My best chance is to go to a sporting goods place and just buy one because most of the jerseys I like can only be purchased en masse. That completed, somehow my fever-addled brain decided to go on a quest for Juan Valdez (the made up advertising person for Columbian Coffee), who apparently I think is fucking hilarious. For one thing, this will shortly be adorning my walls, and I was really contemplating replacing the happles with the following, although then everyone would be all pissy:

After a couple bowls of cereal and a little more avoidance, I finally started on my cheat sheet. Easy money. Finished that in 15 minutes, sat around some more, and then off to class. The test was easy as hell. I am still very often surprised by my functionality (I like that word as a descriptor; it presents an image of competence but not excellence). I can figure things out if I am so inclined! And - hehe - I noticed an error on the test, and crazy Russian gave me an extra credit point! Yay! The only bad part was how disappointed in himself he seemed. :( Poor guy.

After talking to this tiny little girl about the test (I like people who aren't afraid to just start a conversation and sort of wish I could be one), I mailed some shit (Altgeld post office lady was a bitch, though. She yelled at some chubby Asian guy for coughing!), and then rocked back home for America's favorite passtime: DISNEY CHANNEL. So many hours wasted. I am beginning to memorize the commercials verbatim. Spritz and I went through the monsoon to Walgreens. We tried our very best to stay dry, but 4 seconds in the rain and my coat and shoes were soaked through. Darn!

After Spritz left (and pulled some crazy Oliver Twist train bullshit), I was alone for a few hours, but that's what we only children thrive on. Cleaned and listened to music and whatever else. Michelle stopped by to pick up the DDR pads and brought her friend Peter (Pantalones), and I felt sort of bad because I presented such an odd image: sitting on the couch in pyjama pants watching "Lizze McGuire" and eating Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies. My life must look awfully sad to an outsider. It probably looks pretty sad to an insider, as well, but let's ignore that, shall we?

Kitty came over and we sat around and waited for Allen to stop being a flake so we could watch Andy's DVD. Went to the gas station, got donuts, ate them all. Also bought these little "micro desserts" or something. It's like these little pieces of candy with low calories that are supposed to have the "flavor impact" of a much larger portion of something really decadent. We tried cinnamon apple pie. It was like a terrible, furry Sweet Tart. That tasted like butt. Allen finally showed up, followed by Kyle and Brytne, so we tried to watch the movie. Despite Andy's very impressive title screen, however, we didn't get to see much else. Instead! We watched Batman & Robin!! What a stupid movie... but man, Arnold was really on top of his game then. I really hope he does become a politician because he is a comlete hack, and it will be fun to watch. Forget I said anything.

Somewhere along there was "The Sunday Night Sex Show," which remains rather disturbing in my mind. *clenches fist* "This is your rectum!" Ok!! After Allen and Kitty left, Michelle and I passed back and forth hotornot mutants until at least my eyes were close to melting. Then I crashed on the couch watching the Disney Channel because I am that cool. This morning, I went with Michelle and Ashley to the Farmer's Market in Urbana, which was pretty cute. I just wish they had more fruit. I ate too many raspberries at it is, though, so I think I'm gonna go lie down. And watch more Disney Channel.

I won't be soothed,