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08/29/2003 - 12:26 a.m. | another damn entry

Actually, what more is there to say? I took a little nap until Kyle started adlibbing songs in horrid, horrid voices (with even sweller lyrics!). From that point on, I was put on guard duty until the internet underlings showed up to cure our woes. By this I mean watch like 30 episodes of �Scrubs.� Seriously, I flew through the rest of season one and most of season two (minus the episodes that didn�t function � stupid bootlegs) in one afternoon. People (Kyle, Spritz, Michelle, namely) came and went, but I was a constant. I showered after I got too greasy to stand, but that was about it. I checked the fridge for something to eat, but all we had were two packs of Kraft Singles, and that does not just work out so well.

Today�s threatening note from a postal worker:


Imagine this scrawled by a hook arm on a crumbled up pamphlet in your mailbox. I�m glad I�ve finally made a mortal enemy.

Spritz and I went on a search for the internet people down the street at some point (as commanded by their leader�) but that sort of failed, so I took the long way to class, stopping at Sunshine Foods for more basil seed drink and some green power jelly or something to try (make note of that, Michelle). Advertising seems like it will be a lot of fun. It�s crowded as hell, but the teacher is cool and happy, the text seems really interesting, and we don�t have any tests!! Only take home quizzes and a final project in which we develop our own advertising campaign. In other words, it is virtually the exact opposite of this morning�s econ class. Die.

Oh, addendum to yesterday�s interview: �Wait, the people don�t like me because every single one of them is better looking than me. That�s frustrating.�

Came home for more �Scrubs� and internet waiting time. Despite for supplies, Spritz and I went gas station grocery shopping. Hooray for insane markups. I already drank all my orange juice and ate all my (completely!! a rare find!) frosted animal crackers. :( You should go check out the Mobil. They remodeled that place like a sumbitch. New floors and this crazy sealed-off chilled room labeled as �The Beer Barn.� Classy.

Eventually, Kyle and Spritz got sick of foosball and waiting, so I stayed behind with Harry Potter while they went to Sam�s (and apparently bought like $250 worth of shit). After my brain started to melt from Draco Malfoy�s piercing laugh, three nerd kings showed up to get their freak on. Man, what am I talking about?

Although it appeared that my computer was the first up and running, apparently this was a massive deception in order to more assuredly fuck me over. Because now both Kyle and Spritz are set, and I am here stuck with my insane notepad conversations with myself. And no, I am not a very good self-esteem booster. I asked the guys what the problem was. Didn�t know. But they did say I could probably call them around Tuesday and make an appointment for them to come back a few days after that and maybe start figuring out what the problem is. My rage knows no bounds. Big room sucks.

I did check my e-mail, though, before Spritz and Kyle got back. And guess what? I get to work on Labor Day! Oh, the irony!!!!!! It makes me want to laugh and punch people in the face. And I couldn�t find any good psych classes to add! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA Do not ask for a list of grievances. Just don�t. You don�t want to hear them.

Anyway, I've updated a slew of old entries for y'all because I'm sure you've been dying for my passive-aggressive rantings. Like a fish out of water.

I won't be soothed,