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08/29/2003 - 12:22 a.m. | perhaps a ronin?

Up right before my alarm, which I always consider a good save. Man, I love citrus body wash. I smell like happy fruit. This quickly wears off once I get outside, however. I�ve so got my commute down. Ride my bike to DKH (5 minutes � wheels rock!) and lock it there until I�m done with my last class. Journalism seems like it�s gonna be pretty fun. Exactly the type of writing I enjoy: Truth without research. Zimos is in my class, as is Imran (although he didn�t notice me), in addition to stupid green-haired Asian girl. Dunno how much I like the teacher yet. He�s sort of old and crotchety, and he read us this long passage with not great efficiency. But not bad by any means. From there to Japanese Hero Something Something in Lincoln. The room was hot as hell, and Emanuel (yeah, same guy as last year) was 20 minutes late. In the meantime, Will and I talked too loudly while I made him a poor balloon animal giraffe that he threw out the third story window. In addition to stupid red-haired Asian girl. Also, yo-yoing. I�m sure we made a swell impression. Like it matters anyhow. Ooh � I did make a good one the other night, though! I held the door at Pier One for this lady and she made some side comment to Michelle about me. Hehehehe! Emanuel is the same as ever. I appreciate his speaking manner and the way he can talk about most anything on length adlib, but that doesn�t mean I pay anymore attention. We�re gonna use the exact same readings we did in JLit. Blech. On the plus side, it looks like we�re only gonna have class once a week! Yay! And, we did do my favorite of all his activities today: for his little info cards, we each drew a little picture of ourselves! Mine was too cute, I think. My nose wasn�t nearly big enough. Stupid big nose.

Had a bit of a break then, so I wandered around and tried to not get heatstroke. Weird being a sophomore. I feel like I know so many more people. And it�s really not all that more. I mean, Kyle or Spritz or Michelle have dozens of people they could point out. But still, I am not as alone in the dark this time around. Just a bit. I wear sunglasses and headphones. I don�t care if I look like a total cretin. Like it matters anyhow. Checked the Union lab to see if I could update. No chance. The beat goes on.

Statistics (with Will some more!) at one. After we eventually found the Architecture Building, I mean (hint: not near Surveying Building). The room is hot and crowded, and the chairs are all wooden and awful, but at least the teacher is Russian and has a bit of a cute accent. Needs more vodka. Actually, his jokes were pretty cute (when I could here them), but we were far back, so it was harder to pay attention. All in all, I�m not seeing too many problems arising so far. Perhaps I will look into another psych class. If I ever get the internet, that is.

I don�t even know what I�m talking about half the time. Work from 4 �til 8 tonight. Well, technically, 3:45 �til 8:15, but since I am my own boss, I might tweak a little. Unfortunately, without my green polo shirt (!!!), nobody might pay me any mind. All the better then, it seems.

I won't be soothed,