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08/29/2003 - 12:23 a.m. | �god, you are so cute � but not in a way i'm attracted to in the least�

Four hours at Kenney. Gosh, what is there to do? I read until the lights got too dim, then I sang and played with my yo-yo until Michelle showed up with the worst bubble tea ever (green apple!) Er, I mean delicious. But, on the plus side, I was paid almost twenty-five bucks to sit and tell people to write down their damn I-card numbers. And fold a flag. And deal with the occasional mutant screaming something about a janitor. Totally worth it, and I�m actually fairly good at it, despite this passive-aggression here. Although I guess it is sort of annoying that the whole building is scorching except for the one room I have to stay out of and guard.

Including the title of today�s entry, here are the helpful notes I took for myself at work:

  • Having passed the night
    neither waking nor sleeping,
    I have spent the day
    brooding and watching the rain -
    the unending rain of spring
  • �His misgivings were probably justified.�
  • being too drunk to turn the
    lights out
    and too tired to drink more
  • Dave Krone = Crack Ogre
  • sputnik sweetheart pp. 58 + 59, paperback edition [look it up your damn self]
You piece that together. No, really. Do that, and you�ve got me all figured out.

Michelle and I rolled back to my place, her on rollerblades, me on bike, and sometimes both of us in one insane, wobbly caravan. It worked, though. More foosball. Unfortunately for me, so many people have fun doing things with competitive undertones. Why is this unfortunate? Because I am always, always worse than everyone. No, this is not exaggeration. I�m always bad at anything that is the least bit competitive. Sort of embarrassing, and it makes me too awkward to have any fun. So I sit. In here. It works. Sometimes I just don�t feel like I fit completely. A little jagged or something.

We all drove to Kyle�s folks� for dinner, which was admittedly delicious, despite having the unfortunate characteristic of being pot roast. Losers that we are, we all compared ring tones. Mine (�Malaguena�) has replaced Kyle�s as the most annoying, so instead he picked this relentlessly adorable little jingle that is so catchy and fun to make up words for. OK, they�re playing foosball now so more, so I�m going to�.. remain here. Yep.

I won't be soothed,