annals | guests | diaryland

08/12/2003 - 10:15 p.m. | between your legs or bust

michelleawetzler: i only said i wasn't attracted to you
michelleawetzler: not that you're unattractive

I'm glad we've cleared this up. Man, what a shitty day back. OK, so I was more or less exhausted first of all because I stayed up 'til 2 talking to Nessers. This is my own fault, and it felt like I could cope with this. Then my allergies kicked in, and it was just hell. Headache, nausea, eyes burning (which was the worst thing) for the whole way through. I couldn't even listen to music because it was so annoying. I stumbled around like E.T. Also, I welded "pea fences" not "tomato pens" so I had to do some counting or shit, which means I can't space off and I kept LOSING MY COUNT, which sucks... This day was so slow. Harve and Snake King fucked around with the welder "tips" for an hour before finally realizing that, yes, I am here to work. Then they put me on a shitty job at which I made like a buck eighty. Just death and everything. I lost an hour of my life.

Luckily, I came home, took a four hour nap, and drank some wine. Things even out. My mom kept wanting cigarettes, but they seriously kill you, so no. And then TV sitcoms. This will be a productive week, I'm sure. Just let me die in a corner already. And despite what you all say, I am ugly and will die alone, and it will be a long, long time from now because my lifeline is so long!!

"She goes above and beyond the call of duty
She is a slut, but her ex thinks it's sexy
Sex reminds her of eating spaghetti
I am wasted, but I'm ready!"

I won't be soothed,