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08/13/2003 - 9:22 p.m. | 1 for 3 (and 0 for 1, incidentally)

Mom said my last entry was depressing. Seriously, I don't know what she's talking about.

I dreamt:

  • I had bright aquamarine eyes that shone with their own inner light. They were beautiful.
  • I found a CD case that could finally fit all of my CDs. My mom did not approve.
  • A girl was hitting on me. Not a particularly attractive girl (too chubby?), but it was an ego boost for about 24 seconds.
Opted for artfag glasses, so I wouldn't have to deal with eye irritation today. SO I LOOK LIKE A NERD (I mean, even more)! Nevertheless, I had (and continue to have) a fluxtuating headache for pretty much all day. One of these days I should figure out what I'm allergic to and kill it. I forgot to make note of the fact that yesterday someone WASHED MY JEANS. Who would do such a thing? Dad said Mom, and Mom said it was "an accident," yet she tossed them haphazardly on the floor to blend in with the other piles. Not that I couldn't tell IMMEDIATELY. I mean, it's not really a huge deal. It was just a matter of pride. I wanted to see how bad they'd get. And then burn them.

I use caps too much. So stop it. Fine, I will. More welding. That's fine. It was tomato pens at first, but Snake King miscounted or something (big surprise), so I had to do more pea fences. Suck. Well, I wasn't up for any more of that counting bullshit, so I developed an insane new system so I wouldn't have to. Snake King came over in the middle of this, and I could tell that he didn't know what I was doing and wanted to ask about it, but I wasn't about to tell him, so I waited 10 minutes until he worked up the nerve to ask if I was gonna start on the fences yet. "I am." I wanted to just stop there, but apparently I have a little respect left because I attempted to explain my insane wire shifting plan to him. Good enough.

I accidentally slit my wrist today. The left one. With a piece of wire, I guess, but I'm not sure because I don't really remember doing it. There's just a gaping wound that I suddenly noticed. Tom was AWOL again. Seriously, what will these people do when I'm not there? They should already be working on fall inventory, but I think we're still on summer stuff. This has been a summer of less than great musical exploration for me. I bought a few albums, but none have been standouts. Although I am really getting into Ben Kweller (thanks Kyle!). Reminds me of a transitory Weezer album with a little Ben Folds thrown in. That's just a theory, though. And D-Plan's "Change" is growing on me as an album. But, the point I was making is that I need new shit... Good shit. So, I need to, dunno, hire mstan to recommend albums or something. Or... just sit here some more.

On the way home, I stopped at McDonald's for an M&M McFlurry (they can't ruin ice cream) because... well, because I wanted one, damn it. As I was waiting to leave the connected gas station, this semi was trying to turn in. I waited for him because I was eating anyway. He vigorously waved me out. I waved right back at him. This was a wrong move apparently because he started furiously flailing his arms at me and screaming. I decided it would be best if maybe I did go ahead after all. I don't want to be in the same parking lot as that guy.

Before I go back to school, I have to paint the gutters. Because I'm not well-rounded enough yet. I took another nap, bringing my hours of sleep up to 9. Sleep is the only time I'm really, really content lately. And yet I still really hate sleep. Freud would have something to say about that. Also the giant poster of a penis on my wall labelled, "THIS IS MY MOM." Hmm.

"Join our Wiccan church. Blaze the Satchel Perch."

Went out to the Old Mill (Sheridan's dive) for tacos with my dad. We sat next to a group of girls who I assume were from Somonauk. Because they were so slutty! Random stereotypes are funny. But seriously, one girl's ass crack was facing me the whole time. I took my glasses off. I don't need that shit. Nate vs. Genetics. I suppose it makes me a hypocrite, but a determined one, for sure. Came home and watched "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Funny shit. He didn't sleep and got all crazy. And is it wrong to think that Mary Tyler Moore was a fox? No, it isn't.

VESteltenpohl: you're so cool it doesnt matter that you have a shitty screen name

RE: IMPE Promotion. Well, the eliminated the position directly beneath me (rep - what I was all last year), so I'm back to being on bottom rung. This is fine by me. "Team Leader" still looks impressive on a resume. Sort of.

I won't be soothed,