annals | guests | diaryland

08/14/2003 - 10:22 p.m. | i forgot

Man, I had a good title all lined up for today, and now it's just lost. I hate my brain. Remembering more dreams lately, though. Last night, I was trying to uncover some secret society at UIUC that only twins could be in... except it made them evil. I wanted to save Jon and Jeremy, so I think I made a fake twin out of paper and went to one of their meetings. Number One (the theatre teacher) was there. I am very noble. And I don't remember what else happened. I called my uncle the wrong name, though.

Instead of welding, I wound. And wound and wound and wound. Then I welded a little. Then more winding. What a successful day. I can hardly explain to you how I pass the hours. For one thing, I only had the Ben Kweller CD, which gets a little much after like the 7th listen. Mostly I think about how much I suck and how no one could possible like me no matter what it seems like I could possibly offer. It's very healthy. Certainly wouldn't want my "head in the clouds" or anything. I drank a lot of water. Snake King waited until I had hauled big bundles of cartons back and forth like 10 times before he finally moved the pallet of cartons over by me. His initials aren't "HAK" for nothing. Wait - that's Harve.

Technology is finally catching up to my brain. I've wanted magic cruise control that can pinpoint the speed of the car in front of you and stay at that ever since the "Match Target Speed" button in "X-Wing." Finally, some luxury SUV (of course it's an SUV) is doing it... with lasers or something. Oh what fun, I can't wait 'til the future gets here.

From work, I went to Wal-mart - or, as it will soon be renamed, "WALSHES Massive Cartel o' Prescription Drugs." Seriously, I had to pick up like 8 different sets of pills or gels or suppositories or whatever. And then fight off the mobs to get my Kim Possible folders and junk. School supply shopping is done. Remember when it used to be such an ordeal? "I need these pens and this type of folder and blah blah blah." If being an adult has had any advantages, it's definitely in school supply selection.

Came home and parents were out, so I watched 2 gems on the SciFi Network: Idle Hands and The Faculty. I really don't have much to say about either. The first tried to toss too much in, I think, so everything was rushed. Characters were mashed together and nonsensical. The second had all these big stars, and it was sort of dumb anyway... I don't know how actors make their decisions. Because I'm not an actor, I mean. Both ended way too happily, all things considered. I tried to eat peach sauce, but the jar wouldn't open, which I took as a sign from God. Why He would be concerned with my peach sauce, I am not sure. He works in mysterious ways.

Once I get back to school, I am going to have a wine and cheese party. Except, in preparation of my life as an LAS graduate, it's going to be a hobo wine and cheese party, by which I mean box wine and pasteurized process cheese spread (not that fancy "Velveeta" bullshit). And everyone will have to dress up like a hobo! Won't it be fun?! Fine, I won't do it then. I'm pretty tired.

Hey - here's the best picture of me in a long while. Not the one with the purse. Insaney McLaugh. I would stick it on hotornot as seems to be the recent trend, but actually having to face the 2.3 would be a little too much. So, so lonely.

Every time I link to Vanessa's diary, a baby dies. So, go kill some babies.

I won't be soothed,