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07/31/2003 - 9:03 p.m. | ughghhhhhhh

Last night, I desperately wanted to finish the third disk of "Dark Angel," so I went downstairs to get the last couple episodes in. Passed out almost immediately and didn't wake 'til 2. Then stumbled upstairs, checked IMs, played a song (I think?) and toppled. "Yay," I thought. "Four hours of sleep!" And so quickly it passed.

I was terribly late to work today because I once again nearly forgot to bring the garbage out to the roadside and then I had to get gas so as to not have a repeat of the coasting incident. Luckily, of the "bosses," only Tim was there, and he is clueless as far as time goes, so no worries. Welding again. I really wish I could make it interesting for you, but I more wish I could make it interesting for me. Actually, I don't even remember doing it anymore. If I can get in the right mode, it's just thinking and watching the clock and somehow panels just seem to get welded. The prelims of a very important plan have been developed, but there's still some time for that, so I just got more bizarre cravings. Cinnamon-raisin bagels, crappy Pizza Hut pizza, and continued interest in Rice Krispies Treats cereal. I managed to think about stuff for 8 hours straight, and I can't think of one important thing to tell you. Only children make good spies. Yeah, that's all I've got.

From there, I drove to Wal-mart because I needed a haircut. Yes, I can now truly say I've had my hair cut at Wal-mart. Neat. It was without incident, and 60's curls are gone for about a day. Then, since I haven't been there in forever, I stocked up on all the crap I've been missing out on: Gum, Christina Aguilera's Spanish CD, a Kim Possible doll, and finally some GD Rice Krispies Treats cereal. I am a simple man, and simple things make me happy.

This is a pretty lame entry. Drove home, watched "Dark Angel," had good dinner (artichoke ravioli with artichoke cream sauce, followed by this lemon sorbet actually served in a hollowed-out lemon! So cute!), more "Dark Angel" (luckily my parents are willing to watch with me), and then... the greatest special TV has brought forth yet: "101 Things Removed From the Human Body." Oh yes. Anchors in the head ("And he sailed right through the operation... er, no pun intended), mayo jars up the butt, and each time they talked to the doctor involved, they were always like, "Well, this was a very unusual case. First time I ever saw something like this before..." I was really hoping someone would be like, "Naw, this was like my fourth pitchfork through the face, so I knew the territory." The creepiest one was this Indian guy who had been carrying a fetal twin around in him for over 25 years. Made his stomach huge, and it fed off him, and it was just icky in general. There was actually an episode of "The X-Files" like that ("Humbug") except the fetal twin could detach itself and bite people. Nevertheless, quality TV. And I'm not going to eat food for a bit. The prospect of returning to death factory tomorrow, though, fills me with joy. Perhaps I'll be like every other idiot who gets something jammed inside of them, and keep it (or, in some cases, frame and mount it). Sick, sick, sick.

Last night, rock and roll singer sensation Eddie Money ("Two Tickets to Paradise") performed at Ottawa's Riverfest. Here's what the newspaper had to say: "Earlier, Money said, he'd met city officials, dined at Taco Bell, was recognized on the street and took in the Lincoln-Douglas statues." FUCKING TACO BELL?! Listen, Ottawa is no huge metropolis or anything, but it can pride itself on having a few other places than Taco Bell to eat... Man, what the hell? And the use of the word "dined," like it was a special privilege or something. Reminds me of Demolition Man. Then again, so does everything.

I won't be soothed,