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07/25/2003 - 9:46 p.m. | i must be dumber than a spit curl / 'cause i got hung up on a showgirl

First and foremost, Ben Folds is releasing 3 EPs over the next few months :D I assume Dank has already downloaded at least one of them. If not, get cracking. For suckers like me who still buy CDs, go here. Now, back to my normal boring horseshit.

Got right up today, but it certainly didn't help me move any faster. I just perched on the terlet while my mom did her hair. We were both lethargic. Still, I got out the door with Pop Tarts, Tampico Mango Punch, and a reasonably good mood. Never trust those good moods. They always turn around on you. Mine sure did. I was down for about an hour around midday, and that tends to lead to lower productivity, and I am all about freaking productivity. Every my music was feeling wrong for a while. The logical part of my brain knew that something would jumpstart me, and I would be happy again, but I had to just wait around and see what. The answer is peanut butter M&M's. And Coke. Oh, man! So good! I'm like a stereotypical sitcom single woman. I eat when I'm depressed. Except then I start to realize how good food is, and it makes me think of how good lots of things are, and then I'm fine. Who says I'm not easily mended?

Anyway, I had to finish up hammering a little today, and then it was back to the old welder. I wish I had exciting things to share with you, but I really don't. I could tell you how many times I pooped today, but that's sort of gross (3). And I could try to explain the lengthy conversation I had with myself about how the word "fingertips" is much sexier than the word "fingers," but that's lame as hell too. I have good reasons for it. And otherwise, it was mostly the same stupid crazy thoughts running through my head. Like that song by those two Russian lesbians or whatever. Nevermind.

Harve walked around in a wifebeater all day. Seriously, no one should see that. Hot. No, not him; the poker I jammed in my eyes to try and remove that image. But I guess it was his raw sexuality that convinced me to work tomorrow. That, and it's not as though I have anything better to do.

I grew a new mole, and I swear it must have been within the last day. I was washing my hands, and I noticed this really dark brown dot on the inside of my left thumb. I figured it was normal factory crud, so I scrubbed at it with death brush for a while. Nothing doing, so I guess I'm stuck with it. It's a really striking mole. Well, you might not think so, but I'm all about moles. I'm not sure if I'm fond of this one yet, though.

Came home, and having finally finished Palace Walk (I liked the ending - one of the few times those stream-of-consciousness things sort of worked for me), I decided to devote my time to the nerdery that is D&D. Might as well. Decrease my odds. This led to even faster dropping off ("roll a d20, add your Strength modifier, any attack bonus you have, plus Size, and blah blah blah..." zzzzzz). Parents interrupted at some point to ask if I wanted chicken. No, I don't want chicken. They got me chicken anyway. And the phone rang, and I talked to my uncle and recall very little of it. My blue eyes reconcile themselves with my almost dark hair. Then we watched G.I. Jane. I have seen the TV version of G.I. Jane 3 times now. That's not cool.

I won't be soothed,