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06/18/2003 - 1:51 a.m. | i had to take your word on that

"Infinite the reasons why I'm born again
There's something rare going on under my skies
You got to chill out, find a reason for your soul again
And judge the miracle by feel, not size"

black raspberry frozen yogurt

Yeah, a tad mopey perhaps. I just feel inadequate as a person sometimes. I don't hardly open myself up to anyone. Shy, withdrawn, standoffish? I follow the rules probably too much... Too responsible or a stick-in-the-mud or what? Moody (obviously) and sometimes just a jerk for no reason. Sort of creepy sometimes (I apologize). Just... not a lot to offer anyone. I mean, I have some OK qualities, but all pretty average, which implies that you could do better. Hmm. No, not depressed. Just feeling realistic, I guess. You could do better. So - by all means! Kind of up for listening to Liz Phair, but that will only get me less sleep.

On the plus side, I make such good construction paper animals. You have no idea :) There! That cheered me up some! EEE

I won't be soothed,