annals | guests | diaryland

06/17/2003 - 9:59 p.m. | just don't leave

So, back when my browser screwed up all the time, I wrote entries in notepad so I wouldn�t lose them. Now, my whole computer crashes, so it appears I will have to write entries in Word instead. Once Word begins to crash, I am switching to stone tablets.

Since I don�t get many days off over the summer, strangely enough, I try to spend them doing all the things I would do if I had more energy (try as I might, factory life drains me). Woke up at 9 this morning (and, as predicted while driving to class last night, well-rested � I was so envious of Future Nate! �He don�t feel like this!�), cleaned up all the shit I�ve been neglecting to put away since vacation. And, by �cleaned up,� I mean �turning the one big pile in the middle of the room into smaller piles interspersed throughout.� Right. Talked to Spritz and Dank on AIM (MC Boober � LOLOLOL), and eventually dragged myself away from them to shower. Well, except for the same crucial mistake I always make: �I�ll just check to see if anything�s on TV.� Apparently, it�s Radiohead Day on MTV2 or something, so I ended up watching basically every one of their videos. In my undies. Actually, much of the day was spent in skivvies. Crawled up to the shower (smelly) and danced to the sarcastic opening of Badly Drawn Boy�s �Born Again� on repeat. That done (repeatedly), I talked to Dank on AIM some more (OK, so I�m not totally productive � I was eating lunch at the time, though!), and then went outside to install my bike bell. Inspired, I geared up and rode into Sheridan to deposit a check and put holds on a few books at the liberry (not that it would seem to matter anymore). Rode up Insurmountable Death Mountain successfully once again (and rang my bell triumphantly); I was exhausted, but slightly less so, so I am improving. Or the cybernetic implants are. I forget.

Quite dehydrated and fatigued, I decided my best move was to go sit out in the sun and read. In my boxers. Once again (I did wear clothes when I went into Sheridan � promise!). Started to read The Dubliners. Only got one story in before I had to go inside (burning). Hmmm � I got the story, but I�m not entirely sure I got it, you know? Like, I knew what was going on, but it seemed too basic, so I was prolly missing important symbols or something. Best finish it soon so I can get back to wizards and Quidditch and shit. So shallow :( Chit chat with parents while eating rock candy and then pasta with artichoke sauce for dinner!

Saw a commercial for �Reggae Pulse 2,� this CD filled with Reggae covers of 70�s and 80�s hits. Now, this I can accept (barely), but the announcer kept saying, �There�s never been another album like this!� I can think of at least one other.

Watched some TV and then noticed that I hadn�t been wearing my watch all day, so I tore through the house looking for it. Now, normally, everything�s about where it should be because I have a series of thousands of automatic systems I run through. So, when I do lose something, it really bugs me. I finally found it, but as punishment to it (??), I�m wearing my other watch for a while. I had planned to swap the two frequently, but kind of crapped out on that plan.

I�m really excited about having my own room again next year. I mean, I don�t think Dank or Chris Jones would�ve minded had I made a lot of crazy decorations, but I was still reluctant because that�s just the kind of person I am. Now, though, free reign for me! I�ve decided that one wall of my room is just gonna have construction paper animals all over it!! So far, I�ve decided to make fireflies, a crocodile, and a lobster. Any other suggestions (keeping in mind that they have to be cool and doable)? I spent tonight working on the fireflies and watching more Radiohead shit on MTV2. They had a concert on tonight! And their little marketing ploy seems to be working because now I really want the album. I�ve been reluctant, but then they played new stuff, and it made me get up and dance, so I guess that�s a good sign. Also, �True Love Waits� still is perfect and still makes me fucking cry. God damn it.

Getting this album might be a little difficult, though, as I am still without car, and I don�t entirely understand the plan to get to work tomorrow. So, my dad might be coming home early and then I�ll just take the car and go� OR, I might have to ride my bike to the mechanic�s, dump the bike in the car, and drive to work. Or call or something. Yeah, I don�t know really. But I�ve been assured that it will work out. Thank you, Dank.

Now is the time for more animals and more From Dusk �till Dawn. I fell asleep before the gratuitous Salma Hayek as vampire stripper scene. Come to think of it, pretty much the whole movie is gratuitous. Forgive me.

I�ve decided I�m very boring. But I am cheeky:

chubby harlot: how'd i tick you off?
mrkrazy 11: Very well, thank you.

I won't be soothed,