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06/18/2003 - 9:35 a.m. | stay of execution

Well, I'm on sort of a ... brief reprieve from work. Still waiting on the old car to be finished, at which point I ride over there to go get it, and then drive back to the factory. Thing is, prolly won't get there until noon at the earliest, and then I have to leave at 4:30 for class, so I'm not much of a help to anyone. And boy, I'm really regretting having to work on Saturday. Breakfast this morning is Cheerios and Vanilla Coke. Yeah, that don't make sense. I guess I should shower now so that I can ride my bike and get all sweaty and then work in a hot factory for several hours. Sometimes things just don't make sense.

"You believe in cards, and you believe in signs,
and I'll be leavin' soon, but I'm here tonight..."

I won't be soothed,