annals | guests | diaryland

05/29/2003 - 11:16 p.m. | she loves me and her body keeps me warm

OK, seriously, no time for an entry, but here we go anyway! So much to do!

Hours: 8 (10-6)
$$$: $54.90 >:O
-"Too Far to Care" - Old 97's
-"Exile in Guyville" - Liz Phair

OK, so I'm going to IMSA tomorrow afternoon, which means I have loads to get together now. It also means I'm going to work early, which also means I should be sleeping by now. But am I?! Of course not! Gotta write stupid diary, gotta pack, I even contemplated baking a cake (I've got a craving for cake batter - stupid pregnancy). Anyway, my day. Yeah, as you can see, I made absolute shit, monetarily. That's because I was taught a new skill today: winding tomato pens. I thought I was getting good at it, thought I might even end up as a monster at it within a couple weeks, but apparently I suck balls. Well, there were good periods and bad periods. Strangely, the good points were early on. Beginner's luck? No, I believe that Doughboy Tom just can't weld panels worth shit, and I can. But, did they let me? No. Winding for 7 hours >:O Until I broke the machine. hahaha - my gift. Anyway, despite making jack shit, it wasn't a bad day. I had fun winding, I guess, and I only got frustrated when the machine was running really shitty. It's, uh, sort of a quirky machine. Like trying to get 5 corkscrews to open 5 bottles of wine at once. ON SPEED. That was idiotic. Rage powered me through the day rather quickly (so much so that I didn't really need music) and then I drove to Wal-mart to get some important things. Like Ovaltine. And some pimp car shit. Home for really good mysterious Mexican dish... and I've been running nonstop since. Prolly no updates for a day or two. I'm sure you'll all be weeping. "You were gone?" Fuck you guys. I don't need this intolerance. I just need a friend. Got your CDs, Vanessa. Thanks - will listen as soon as I can GET ALL THE TAPE OFF. And an ice cream bar. Random.

I won't be soothed,