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05/30/2003 - 10:05 p.m. | i am the ex-offender, they let me out in the summer

And they thought they could stop me. No internet in a hotel room, they said. Well, they forgot about IMSA computer labs, didn't they? Kyle and Brytne are out for a walk, and I was severely third-wheelin' it, so I felt it was wise to stay here in... what is this? 02? Yeah. Prolly. Anyway, here are the goods, in standard explicit detail because I do believe that I have the time:

Hours: 4 (8-12)
$$$: $26 >:O
-"13" - Blur
-"Midnite Vultures" - Beck
-"The Soft Bulletin" - The Flaming Lips

So... it wasn't a terrible struggle getting out of bed this morning. Less so than on a 10 o'clock day. Sleep cycles are strange. Getting ready in time was another story. Had to shower, take out all the trash to the curb, pack my stuff, mail something blah blah blah. So, ended up about 10 minutes late. Again. Radio reception was shit terrible today, so I started listening to the religious station (because God awards a very strong signal apparently). The theme of the particular show was "Ask the Pastor" and people were supposed to call in and ask some doctor guy questions about The Bible, but I listened to it FOREVER, and they never got around to any. Heard about his stupid grandkids and new book, though. Not interested. Anyway, back to work for more winding of panels. Comparatively, I've always thought it was such a manly job, swinging wire frames around and wearin' gloves and makin' boxes and shovin' shit in them. Guess I've prolly queered that up now, though, with my too-small thrift store t-shirts and backwards hat. And I kept whistling the "Laverne and Shirley" theme song over and over... Strange. Snake King asked me if I needed more boxes, and I was like, "Surely!" Private jokes are absolute hilarity. I made terrible wages again today, but I did slightly improve (just not enough to not take the $6.50 an hour training wage). Left at 12 and drove to IMSA, which seemed a lot shorter from Yorkville (I guess Wendy's and kickin' radio helped - OK, not kickin') Ran into Harrison outside the main building, and he kept me company while I searched for Kyle and Spritz. They all came to me, eventually - and Josh Kenney was there too. Crazy IMSA. We "shot the shit" or whatever for a while, and then everybody went outside to hack >:| Brent walked by and mentioned that he had just seen my dad at the Eagle across the street, so I ran to my car (it's so nice that IMSA can hold no power over me anymore) and drove over and saw him. Weird!

Back to IMSA and everyone had vanished, but I found Kyle in the 04 commons, so we sat in the lab and had discussions about Jessica Jacobson in telnet and tried to come up with superhero porn. Yay, us. Strolled campus until we found Dale and then we started watching our home movies from the past year in the "Harris Hall" commons, but I kinda forgot how lewd they might seem to outsiders (except, of course, scenes of the Bashes DDRing), so there was a lot of fast-forwarding. After Brytne came back from her tummy-piercing, we drove to Boca Burrito. Actually, they told me to meet them behind 02 while they got stuff or something, so I circled around IMSA a few times in the hopes a spot would open up (good radio, though). The third time around, stupid IMSA security stopped and hassled me. Stupid IMSA. Anyway, from there, out to Boca Burrito. I was smart enough to save my appetite for my $35 pre-paid dinner and only got a "Mexican Coke" with the free chips and salsa, but both Kyle and Brytne got huge burritos, which they could not finish and I therefore had to cram into my mouth in a disgusting display. Eating is gross. Called Yousaf to Mapquest us directions to our hotel, dropped off Brytne, and then rocked the Motel 6. Um, yeah - it's a shithole :D We did end up getting 2 beds, though, because I was stupid enough to say 2 people were staying (I was also stupid enough to give them my regular ID instead of my ageless UIUC one, so they were like, "Well, we shouldn't like you stay [not 21], but we will"). The bathroom door doesn't lock, and the sink is in the living room essentially. Kyle was dead tired (prolly still is, I'd imagine), but we had to get ready for the banquet, so we picked out each other's clothes (white polo for him, pink shirt for me) and I ironed everything like a beast. Have serious hat head, but Kyle says I look like James Van Der Beek, and I might as well take his word on it. Rushed back to IMSA to meet Spritz and go to the banquet. Different place last time, and it seemed lots busier for some reason. The three of us almost got kicked out because we weren't dressed up enough, I guess (Spritz certainly seemed so), bu Brytne's mom saved us. I was pretty sure that Brytne's family hated me, but apparently her grandma talked about me all the ride back, so I stand corrected. Um - same old banquet stuff. The songs were pretty, uh........ BAD, and I only really liked Dr. Skinner's speech of the three (Nok's was all right, but not top form... and the biology guy was pretty meh). Of course, the food was mass-prepared, so it wasn't great (everyone hated the lemon rice pilaf soup except for me, so I ate everyone - heh... I'm sort of food taster sadly), but the salad had feta and dried cranberries, so points for that. Main course? Forgettable. Also, starting to like coffee. Black coffee. Odd. It was Brytne's b-day today, so they brought out a bigass cake for her (which Spritz would hardly touch because of his insane-o aversion to chocolate; he'll use salt - and whatever else - to suit his needs - "youth only comes once" and all that - but no chocky... makes no sense!) Annnnnd, drove back here and had too many chocolate mints and now I'm almost done, I guess. They're watching Bring It On in the commons, but it's just some guy and girl, and I don't want to just sit down next to them. Not the Cock Blocker. Duh. Anyway, Kyle will prolly crash right after we get back to the hotel, so I gotta figure out something to do. He's coming home with me tomorrow, I think, though :D

I won't be soothed,