annals | guests | diaryland

05/28/2003 - 9:00 p.m. | i wish we'd get stuck up a tree

*cue "Everybody Hurts"* OK, crucial flaw in my "I'm boring, so I just won't talk to anyone" plan. I need you guys. Y'all are just too good to miss out on. Damn it. So, just put up with me, OK? Thanks. I'm sorry I'm retarded and emotional. But, I am wearing a backwards "NO FEAR" hat, and I plan on doing the same tomorrow. Take that, fear! My hat has none!

Hours: 8 (10-6)
$$$: $83.something
-Rushmore soundtrack - Various artists
-"Pinkerton" - Weezer
-"White Blood Cells" - The White Stripes
-"Is This It?" - The Strokes
-"Rock Spectacle" - Barenaked Ladies

Short entry today, I think, as nothing much really happened. I was on time to work today (or purt near), despite the phone ringing as I was heading out the door. The dentistry racket continues; "Dr. Miller" says my wisdom teeth should come out, so I have to call "Dr. Rooney" the oral surgeon. I still swear I didn't have wisdom teeth a week ago, and I'm rather curious what would happen if I left them in, but I guess I should follow the highly suspect instructions. You and me, Zouie. Partners in wisdom tooth loss! Amazingly, Snake King had some cardboard thingies ready for me. Rather anticlimactic; I did shit terrible on them, but I finished early enough to eat Twizzlers and wind more string. The threat of me learning to wind tomato pens looms, but I've heard that talk before. In the afternoon, lots more welding. Less than yesterday (yay, lunch!), but I'm more physically exhausted today. Got reacquainted with some old CDs today; I forgot how cute Rushmore is. And Cat Stevens :D After lunch and my five minute aromatherapy session, I was ready to just coast my way through the rest of the afternoon. No dice. Because it was raining, Don (the normal manager) came in to work on some stuff. This meant a nice break for Travo and Doughboy Tom, but Nate had to keep right on welding! Actually, Don winds tomato pens like a fucking beast, so I had to work my ass off to even slow his progress through the surplus. Luckily, I'm getting pretty amazing myself. I'm not smooth at much, but I am at tomato pens. Stupid allotted resources. Anyway, so I was pretty much non-stop for 3 hours. Weld weld weld, bend bend bend, swear swear swear. Adrenaline was pumping like mad; I have a big cut and burn on my left arm, and I have no recollection of how I got them. Don eventually left and Cretin Force was put back on, so I could relax some. Still, it took its toll. Despite some very choice tunes on the radio on the ride home, I felt about dead. Home for lukewarm pasta (can't blame my parents for not waiting) and sitcoms. Dad and I continue to chortle at "Seinfeld" episodes even the tenth time we've seen them; Mom doesn't get it. Sat on the bathroom floor and listened to the radio for a while (not so much depressed as contemplative) and here we are. To come? Fingernail clippings! Yes! Longer than I thought. I suck.

I won't be soothed,