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05/27/2003 - 9:23 a.m. | doubtful

Lacking the emotional maturity to make decisions on my own, I've once again taken to using the plastic fortune teller from a box of Lucky Charms. Now, you might think this is silly, but it has consistently said I'm gay for over three years now, and that's gotta count for something. So, don't blame my actions on me; I'm just following fate. I didn't even want to write this entry. It made me do it: "Should I write an entry about you?" *shake shake* "'Maybe?!' How about a yes or a no, assface?" *shake shake* "'Yes' That's better." It's made some important decisions a lot easier, though, so I can't help but love it. Anyway, have a nice day! I know I will! Wait - "Will I have a nice day?" *shake shake* "Always!" Bitchin'!

I won't be soothed,