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05/27/2003 - 8:37 a.m. | never be a better kind

Sleeping 12 hours is absolutely retarded. I lied down at 8 or so last night, thinking I'd take a bit of a snooze and then on to more important things. 11:30 rolled on up pretty soon. "Fuck you, 11:30," I said. "You're not even worth my time!" And I fell back alseep. I guess it wasn't 12 hours straight because I'd wake up every few hours, swear at the clock, and assume I was gonna wake up at around 5 because, honestly, who needs 12 hours? Apparently I did. Stupid half a day. Pisses me off. Luckily, I wasn't missed. Nor would I expect to be. I could count the number of friends I have on the mangled hands of... nevermind. Too easy. And we can mark Kyle off the list because I happen to have a opinion that differs from his. Can't have that, can we?! I'll write about my day or something when I get back from work... 9 hours from now :| Sometimes I can see the point of Lisa wanting to "retire" from AIM. We are moody in similar ways, which is part of what made us so good - and so bad - for each other. We function much better as friends, I think, except when I completely piss her off, which may or may not be where we're at right now. I lost track. *blush*

And yes, VESteltenpohl, I know what your real name is. However, I like to pretend I'm a "hacker" and call everyone by their "handle." OK, not really. Your screenname is just really long and, from the brief glance I made at it, unpronounceable. Therefore, hilarious!

Hmmm... Perhaps this is why I don't have so many friends. Stupid no one liking me.

I won't be soothed,