annals | guests | diaryland

05/21/2003 - 11:27 p.m. | in your second skin

Three random thoughts on the journey downstairs:

1.) One of the yo-yos I had in my pile of 15 (I just grab random ones now) is absolutely perfect. Funny how I missed that. Smooth as butter and doesn't sleep all the time. And it's just some piece of crap $4 Duncan I bought at Meijer. Appearances are deceiving.

2) Noticed invitation to cousin's 8th grade graduation party. They made sure to note that I can bring a guest if I want. This might sound nice of them, but it's a trap. They know I won't bring a guest; I never bring guests, but this time I can't even have the potential unspoken excuse of, "Well, I thought it would be rude to just bring someone." No no, now the truth will be shown to all. Nathan has no friends! Stupid family. Draw a few insulting cartoons on their tablecloth at one party and all of a sudden you're blacklisted. Not that they understood them. Boy, calm down, Bittery. I kind of look forward to it. Especially if I get my hands on some rum.

3) Finishing off the Sunny Delight when I noticed that it now says "Sunny D" on the label. Disturbing trend, this laziness. Still, not nearly as bad as the day Kentucky Fried Chicken changed to "KFC." Damn those specific names! More acronyms! I need more time to eat my greasy fake chicken and drink my citrus drink (3% juice)!

The factory makes me bitchy. Also the estrogen shots.

I won't be soothed,