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05/21/2003 - 9:35 p.m. | why not?

Peachy day is what this was. Peachy:

Hours worked: 8 :( (10-6)
Money made: $78.75

Unlike yesterday, I didn't wake up at 8:30 perky and manic. I woke up SLEEPY AND ANGRY at 9. That's what sleeping more gets you. A boot in the face. Half-assedly showered and apparently forgot to put in any sort of hair gunk because my hair is totally lifeless (not that my powerpuff was much to begin with). Combined with artfag glasses and "Achy Breaky Heart" t-shirt, I looked quite the nerd today. Pardon, quite the greater nerd. I also looked devious or possibly endearing. I can't decide. The drive to work was nice enough (most drives are!), but I seem to drive right when all the stations are doing their commercials at the end of the hour, so I've got nothing to listen to. Speaking of which, arrived at work and realized that I had left my headphones at home. Had all my CDs, my CD player, plenty of batteries, no headphones. Arg. Gonna be a loooong day.

Snake King had me winding string for the first two hours, which is fine by me. I finished the requisite number of bundles in like 20 minutes, and I knew that I was just gonna have to keep going because there was nothing else for me to do, but I asked him anyway. That's the secret to success. Make them think they have power. It's a waste of your time, but then they won't hate you when you scurry out at 4:30. So, after many minutes of deliberation, he put me back to work winding string. Thank you, dear.

At 11:45, I switched back to the good old welder and welded from then 'til 6, with half an hour break for lunch and five minutes to pee. The job isn't hard... well, there's a learning curve, but not anymore. I don't even think about the work anymore. It's just that I have to fill up 6 hours of time doing essentially nothing. That's the hard part. If I could just shut down the conscious part of my brain and run on auto for six hours, I would. ALCOHOL And normally, if I get sick of my paranoid thought cycles (kidding - they've been better lately), I can just fall back into music. Today, I didn't have that option, so I sang. I sang a lot. Started with familiar recent stuff and ended up on some crazy tangents. Crash Test Dummies (not the singles) and Chris Whitley. My throat hurt by the time I left. I'm sure Travo thinks I'm psychotic, but I'm pretty sure he's a narc, although I could never prove it. Damn that place and its paranoia. Doughboy came over to teach me something (again, because I've convinced Snake King that I am slow) and told me the same U of I story he always does: Some girl on "dope" was screaming his name on Green St., but it wasn't really him she was looking for. He asked me if I ever saw anyone on dope, and I had a witty answer all lined up, but I lacked the heart. 8 hours will do that to you. That's right, I was finally roped into staying for an entire shift - until "Ginger" got there (wow, she's perky... perky + factory = 0, so I sort of expected the walls to start melting). Hopefully, this won't happen often. During lunch, I tried to come up with some schemes, but I don't think I'm very good at them. My first target was McDonald's. There was a coupon book on the table, and it said each coupon was worth 1/100 of a cent. So I thought about hilarious it would be if I went in with 100 and was like, "Penny, BITCH!" Then I realized that wasn't hilarious at all and that I might possibly have brain damage. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised. Random injuries show up on my body when I work, and I don't remember getting them. Right now, I have a big cut in the center of my right palm, 4 or 5 scratches on the back of my hand, a gash on my left arm, and (somehow) this big wound in the middle of my sternum. I just confusedly rub on some Neosporin; it works OK. Scheme 2 (yes, there was a point) was to somehow screw over the honors snacks people. They raised their prices again; 75 cents for a pack of gum is insane. So I started developing some plan where I went out and bought cheaper stuff from the store and then replaced it with the honors snacks and ate it all, but they couldn't charge because the same number of items were there, but that doesn't make any sense as far as plans go. I need a way to ruin them, and I don't have one. Well, besides fire.

Drove home after 6. Bleh - so little of the day left. "5 O'Clock World" came on the radio. False advertising. Leftovers for dinner, but good Italian leftovers that I didn't have to touch cold, so I have absolutely no complaints. Then "American Idol" sucked up 2 hours of my life. Seriously could've just watched the last 5 minutes. Oh, well - the awkward little skits made it worthwhile. The Paula/Simon sexual fantasy thing was way past disturbing, though. Blinding mostly. Hoped for comet to destroy earth right then sorta. I won't say who the winner is (RUBEN - I typed it), but it's amazing that he only won by 1,300 votes (out of 24 million). Democracy finally works. On the plus side, local delis can't name a sandwich after him. Clay prolly should've won based solely on talent, but that's OK. He sang stupid "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and it made me cry just like it always does. >:O I'm gonna download it and sit here alone!!


Grrr - someone's being eclectic tonight! And that's annoying! Man, I set up a great joke last night and neither of my parents even commented on it. So, mom scolded me for leaving my, like, seven toothbrushes all out on the bathroom counter, and I could've sworn that I put them in the container thing, so I made some joke about a leprechaun doing it. Anyway, at midnight or so last night, I dumped all the toothbrushes out and scrawled a note near the pile: "WHERE'S ME GOLD?!" I thought that was clever, and I didn't get nothing. My instincts are wrong, I guess. I'll keep that in mind.

Also punctuation:

mrkrazy 11: Working in a damn shit factory without my headphones fuck fuck fuck it was awful 8 hours six of them welding my eyes eyes

I won't be soothed,