annals | guests | diaryland

05/10/2003 - 11:19 p.m. | eyes feel poppish

The day passed, but I did very, very little and what I did do won't seem so very spectacular. Borrowed Kyle's car and drove to Wal-mart to get some crucial things (namely the third Harry Potter book, a tongue scraper, and another yo-yo). Driving and music make really me really happy. I should go do it some more, but I can't because of ... the storm. The tongue scraper is very, very cool, and I highly recommend it to you all. Also went and rented Over the Top, which is just about the best movie about an arm-wrestling truck driver played by Sylvestor Stallone ever. We've yet to watch it, and that might remain for a while, so you know - blah blah blah. Read some and watched Dank beat old school "King's Quest VI" That was the first game I ever had on the PC, so I remember everything you need to do with scary detail.

VESteltenpohl: i take "lexapro"
VESteltenpohl: its a happy medium between selexa and prozac
mrkrazy 11: What's the difference between them?
VESteltenpohl: the pills are different colors.
mrkrazy 11: God bless modern medicine

Rocked ISR for shitty food (pizza always looks tempting and always ends up not) and Dank beat "Leisure Suit Larry 6." It's been a busy day. Holy fuck, no. It hasn't. My bowels are hilarious. I was talking about something, and mid-sentence, my stomach lurched this tiny little bit (if lurches could be measured, I'd say half an inch) and suddenly, we find ourselves in the midst of an explosion. 10 points to my colon, for keeping things interesting.

Somehow I got the idea that I was very affluent and started looking up expensive gadgets on Amazon, should I suddenly come into hundreds and hundreds of dollars that I do not need. The digital pen is pretty cool, but Roomba far and away tops my list. Even its reviews are cool! "I'm going to return this, keep my money and wait until a more intelligent robot vacuum comes on the market!" Oh, of course. I also found a pretty neat cordless optical mouse, but perhaps I should work on getting a new computer before I worry about new mice... or maybe just the vaccuuming robot. Everything costs money, and that's fairly annoying. I can see why robbery occurs so often. I do not see why tongue scraping doesn't.

I won't be soothed,