annals | guests | diaryland

05/10/2003 - 12:29 p.m. | kiss me like you did the first time

I started to write an entry about yesterday last night, but it was so boring that I got frustrated and closed it. I doubt this will fare much better. After my three thoughts, I stumbled into the living room to watch "Pop Up Commericals" (ugh) and "Banned in America: The World's Sexiest Commercials 2 - hosted by Carmen Elektra!" (UGH). Honestly, anyone who is attracted to Carmen Elektra is underexposed. "She's purdy 'cause she got the boobs and a porn star name." Get some taste, asswipe. Anyway, after about an hour total of this, I got entirely sick of pop culture (who'd have thought). Fortunately, I had to give Kyle a ride to his final. From there, I took Will to the bank. This should have been a simple operation except that I decided to go the intersection of Fifth and Green. Death. I was there for almost 10 minutes. Good thing I had "Hook" and other 90's hits to keep me cool. And it's hot as hell.

Came back here to shower and whine about having to work at IMPE, of all places. Very briefly contemplated shorts, but common sense kicked in ("CHICKEN LEGS!") and I reverted to covering my toothpicklike nastiness. Will was very nice and volunteered to come hang out with me at IMPE, but it turned out there was no need. The outdoor pool was open, so it was just a constant stream of people coming in. The supervisors thought I was new (because I never work there), but then they saw me in action and quickly changed their minds. I am a card-swiping badass. And fairly a beast in the towel room. Everyone's so slow; I'm crazy. And apparently I've become somewhat knowledgable about the facility. No wonder I got promoted ;)

Came back here to extreme boredom. More pop culture specials on VH1. Mark McGrath hosted the top 25 videos to "get busy to." If I hear one more euphemism, I'm giving up on society altogether. Then everyone congregated to their respective areas, video games and "math," so I went out on the balcony to space out (oh crap! floor chair! *run* phew, it's fine). Pretty boring, and there may have been mosquitos... or I was jittery. Difficult to say.

At some point, we headed over to Maly's party, which was none too party-like in atmosphere, unless you really like Mario Kart and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Also beer. It wasn't too interesting until everyone started to get a little buzzed. Then we all walked to Taco Bell, had some Asians order us food (because only the drive "thru" was opened and they won't let non-cars order), and ate in a parking garage while it rained buckets. Briefly contemplating crashing in the garage, we instead waited 'til the rain let up and walked back. Not a bad night. Drunk people can be more fun to talk to. More open to ideas. In general.

I dunno what's up for today. I seriously gotta do some laundry, but I keep, well, not doing it. I'd like to read the next Harry Potter book, but I'd need someone to drive me to Wal-mart so I can buy the cheapest version of it (Wal-mart's strange; you can buy really, really cheap copies of popular books) And yes, I do realize [that life goes fast] that I have finals, but I have enough arrogance to think that I only need a few hours on the night before each to get myself ready, and thanks to my slightly good / slightly terrible finals schedule (MTuThF, all @ 8 AM), this system works pretty well. Perhaps this is flawed, but I have faith. And you gotta have that.

Spritz and I have taken to growing out our "goatees." They're both pretty pathetic (mine moreso than his - it's a little lopsided and doesn't come in thick at all) Neither of us had any desire to let our upper lips grow. Fucking molestor. I had a dream that mine was getting badass and vaguely like ZZ Topp. Also, did you know that you can smell in dreams? I guess I hadn't realized, but I so had a curry dream last night.

I won't be soothed,