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05/10/2003 - 3:20 a.m. | right on again

"This thing I do, I do not deny" - I think that's my all time favorite Dave Matthews lyric. And I know that's lame because they're so popular blah blah blah, but I still like it.

I'll write more later, but the most important thing I did tonight was I looked in a mirror. At my eyes. I focused almost entirely upon my eyes. And I think I have fairly pretty eyes. But... they don't seem like my own. When I focused back on my face, it all seemed different. The eyes just didn't fit. Too cold, too pretty. Maybe I just can't accept anything good about myself. But I do like my eyes. They're neat :) I hope you like them too. Looking at them, it looks like I'm pondering a lot more than I really am. Maybe they are, and I'm just not caught up to it. But eyes are my good feature, I think. They add depth.

I won't be soothed,