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05/05/2003 - 12:46 p.m. | not the nosehair, though

I know, I know. Not writing as much. Cry me a river, I'm sure. Problem is that I have roughly (hold on - let me do some calculations) 12 pages to write in the next two days. Of course, it's spread out over three papers, so it could be a lot worse, but this is comparatively bad for me. So I need to get started on that soon and must therefore hold back on my verbiage (theory being that I only have a certain amount of words I can use per day). Anyway, gotta do that soon, but I'm fairly happy that I got through today, so let me recount for a bit.

Up at 8... 8:40. Oops. Crawl scummily to psych while studying for the quiz. Funny how the quiz I studied the most for is the one that I had the most trouble with. Guess that teaches me a lesson. Then ran out of class to go to Allen and study for the math test. As always, the basic concepts were terribly easy to remember. Test rolled around, and I had a bit of trouble, but I think there's a good chance I got a B, which is pretty good for me in that class these days. Entomology was a break (a bust even) and then theatre for the quiz. It was easy, but not as easy as last time. I missed one for sure. *tear* But, I got through the first icky day. Now I just write a couple papers, another one tomorrow, lab practical on Wednesday, and then maybe study (although I have my doubts) 'til next week. As I've said time and time again, I really like it here. I like home, too, but it's just not the same. I'm gonna miss everybody so much.

The best - and worst - thing someone can give you is hope, so I dunno if I'm pleased or what.

And, of course, Jews are the best and worst of circumstance. Crazy drunken Kyle. Today's Cinco de Mayo (duh); if we hadn't had the quiz, I might have faced a similar, tequilla-laced situation today :D Anyway, to work, I guess. Blech. hehe - I noticed I'm getting hair on my chest today. That's absolutely hilarious.

I won't be soothed,