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05/05/2003 - 12:34 p.m. | is that gash in your leg really why you have stopped?

Tonight's title is doubly appropriate. On the way to the Flaming Lips concert, I was running out to Kyle's car when I slipped in a puddle and fell sideways onto my right side and slid, beating the shit out of my thigh and knee. So, despite the fact that movement was hindered, the concert was absolutely amazing!!! I don't want to reveal too much just because I think it would be a lot of fun to go and have the whole affair be a surprise, but - even though I knew everything that was coming, I can't describe the joy I felt to see it in action. Best concert ever! Wayne was like a revival preacher, dressed in an all white suit, waving his arms, making the crowd go nuts. Pretty much all loud, fun songs from "Yoshimi" and "The Soft Bulletin" (No "Turn It On" but can't hold them to that old shit) Eeee! I'm already half-contemplating the June 6th show, but there's that damn family vacation again ;) Anyway, highly recommend you go if you can. Even if you don't like the music, you'll like the show.

I won't be soothed,