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04/23/2003 - 1:49 a.m. | a very, very good year

So, the top two things I should do are as follows: a) study psych notes more for quiz tomorrow, b) go to sleep. Unfortunately, I am too tired to study and too dumb to sleep, so there you go! When we last left... us, I was planning on adventure with Kyle. This went off without a hitch. We took back all the job aps (I was the runner, sorter, everythinger), and I blew money as expected. Money was blown (ahahaha) as follows: Robot Stitch bubble blower, cute blue shoes, new janitor key ring (with a chain so as to be indestructible - right), Cascade Complete (which is apparently working 'cause Kyle screams of its merits as I type this), and so on. I got daring enough to try on girls' shoes, but my damn feet are too big. And smelly. Came back here, and I did some work, I think, but it was hardly important. Really, a lot of time was wasted. Watched some bad TV, played with yo-yo (what a cool toy!), and I keep smelling matches lately. Weird.

On the plus side, I finally found the lyrics to "The Dismemberment Plan Gets Rich!!" So I'm cramming that shit in as quickly as possible, leaving little room for the aforementioned psych quiz. Shelly came over, and we made half cupcakes and half cake cake. Then I dozed on the floor while she played the Harry Potter game. The DDR mats grow on me as a comfort zone. I contemplate sleeping on them every night. "These aren't so bad, I think!" But then I remember that I actually do have a nice, comfy bed, and that I'm paying for it. Someday I'll get over that stigma. Or I just won't have a bed anymore.

I won't be soothed,