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04/22/2003 - 1:33 p.m. | trail of disaster

So, I didn't have anything to do last night. Not even like bullshit anything to do. I just sort of sat here and listened to music. Then it was 3. I guess watching Michelle play the Harry Potter game is sort of like something, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. "bet the farm?" What a stupid phrase.

Dunno - normal Tuesday. Slightly late to history and then scramble to keep up taking notes. I'm sort of contemplating taking a class in transcription next semester. Actually, I was originally shooting for sign language, but that isn't offered right now. I dunno - it'd be nice to have one marketable talent. More "Price is Right" at Justin's. Although I am really no better at guessing prices, I have developed several strategies for victory. First, take a logical price. Double it. Two, in the sponsored product pricing games, they always use the same stuff (Preparation H, Citracal, some arthritis cream). Learn those prices. Three, lose the first round. First round prize always sucks. Second round prize is always car. There - the limits of my knowledge.

Off to work after that. Apparently it was decided that my job was just too damn hard, so I was given an easier one accordingly (and Kristen has to take over mine - poor kid). Now I sit in a hallway by the weight room, and if I see a person without a towel, I ask to see there ID. 95% have towels, so mostly I sat, did homework, and sang along to the Planet, which was playing pretty much everything off of Kyle's early 90's mix today. The hallway I work in is cold, but it has really good acoustics, so I don't sound shit terrible :D Well, I don't think I do. When I finished my homework, I made a paper balloon and started tossing that around. I am getting paid for this. I <3 capitalism. Wish I had my yo-yo... Next week!

Adventure with Kyle today supposedly. And all that's left workwise is more of "Midsummer's" >:O and studying for psych quiz. Easy. I suppose I could just watch Get Over It (starring SISQO), as it was loosely based on the play, if I recall, much in the same way 10 Things I Hate About You was based upon "The Taming of the Shrew" because they called Julia Stiles a "shrew" once in it... I love culture.

I won't be soothed,