annals | guests | diaryland

04/21/2003 - 11:32 a.m. | natesucksballs.com

If you'll notice, I've been having some template issues, in that diaryland doesn't seem to want to update previous pages unless I make them all purple. This will need to be fixed. In the meantime, my hilarious new catchphrase is to add ".com" to anything I say! Actually, I think that's been done before. Shoot.

"tweet tweet tweet we are the happy birds except it is still dark out so we are actually quite creepy good night [FOREVER]" I have cool away messages.

Today was a highlight of academic success, like a sunbird flying across the sky. A Pontiac Sunbird. So, last night, did the math, baked a strawberry cake (which isn't as gross as you might think - and it made the apartment smell less like ass and more like strawberries... although once the two combine, it will not be pretty), we all tried to pick each other up (literally), and watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We all dozed in and out, but still a pretty enjoyable whatsit... experience.

Unfortunately, my body has gotten addicted to that whole "sleep" thing and wasn't particularly willing to jump back into old habits, so I accidentally slept until 10:35 today. Shoot. So, showered (because cleanliness is next to godliness... and punctuality is... horseshit or something), finished the math problem I meant to get help on, and ran to class. Got there a little too late to turn in my assignment (suck!), so I ran to the computer lab on Oregon to write the TA an e-mail. There's a class there. Damnit. So, run back to write the e-mail and - look at that - 11:20. So much for entomology (I can always get today's notes from Mary). So, while I am halfway amused by the situation I put myself in (especially when I was explaining it to Dank on the way out before - "OK, so all I have to do is finish this problem, run to Allen, turn it in if the guy is still there, run to Natural History building, and arrive at my next class 10 minutes late!"), I'm rather pissy too. COLLEGE. >:O

I won't be soothed,