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04/20/2003 - 9:00 p.m. | twitch twitch

I crashed at about 11 last night, only to be awakened by Lisa at 1:30 to see if I wanted to hang out. "Sorry, dude," I said. Wow, even in the fog of sleep I call people "dude." That's pretty badass. Then back to the depths of my... whatever.

Phone call from parents at 10 woke me up this morning. Showered and giggled when I noticed my comb was stuck to my toothpaste. It was trying to brush its TEETH! Bahahahaha - sometimes I think too much sleep is just as bad. Went to brunch at the Holiday Inn because no where else is open. Food was adequate (although I wasn't brave enough to try the "salmon boats"), and I got charged as a kid, which is pretty cool. Ate lots, but I'm hungry for one of my nine small meals now (crazy metabolism). We went for a walk into the depths of Urbana, which is actually rather pretty if you can get away from those damn college kids. If someone needed to take pictures of pretty flowers and stuff, I would say she should go there. Came back here and messed around for a while, but seriously, what do I do with my life? Nothing. So it's tough to entertain. Plus, everything's closed. We just "shot the shit," so to speak, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Parents left around 2 or 3 and then it was paper writing time! Progress was pretty slow, but I had nothing much else to do and it's not even due until Tuesday (DUESDAY), so that's OK. Finished all 5+ pages and now I don't have to worry about it. On the other hand, there is still calc to be dealt with, and I'm not up for that. It'd be nice to do some light reading or something, but I guess it isn't as important right now. The important thing is, we're all alive. Happy Easter :P

I won't be soothed,