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04/21/2003 - 2:16 p.m. | pissant

OK, new template is complete. Guess we're going for simplicity, but I simply can't do without those little point double arrows! Uhhh. Hopefully, this time, it will update the previous pages, so they're not all purple and stupid forever.

Theatre was peachy. We all bashed the Second City Players for improving so poorly. Overacting Boy was like, "They kind of stooped to crude humor!" This same guy stumbled around making wacky faces as a lecherous old man, trying to grab asses and stuff. Please do not be such a hypocrite; it makes me sad. Got our papers back; Kyle got a B+, which isn't bad considering he wrote it in 20 minutes the morning it was due after we stayed up all night listened to Hugh Brown Shu and talking and that shortly thereafter he got shitfaced on green shots. Time is funny like that. We also watched some of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (perhaps that should be in italics because it was a film version). Apparently, everything we're doing for the rest of the semester has to do with it, so I really do need to read it. It was gonna be the one play I skipped, but the Powers That Be indicated that this was not to be so.

Speaking of Them, Kyle finally had a bit of luck finding something today - $20!! Actually, it was in about the same area as where I found my $50. He had seriously been thinking about not going to Wendy's, but decided to anyway, and that's when he found the money. That seems to be the pattern. Decide to spend money you don't have and you get it back with change to spare! Keep that in mind. So we ate and now we're back, and it appears I have quite a lot of reading to do because I only accomplished the minimum I needed to this weekend. So that. Shortly.

I won't be soothed,