annals | guests | diaryland

04/12/2003 - 1:24 a.m. | woooooo

What more today? Dunno... Entomology, I guess. Fire ants. Then to IMPE to see about working the fields (still not sure if that'll happen). Entomology discovery section. A vet type guy came in and talked about fleas and ticks and mites and stuff. Lots of happy pictures. He also put in lots of Far Side cartoons, which I think he thought were gonna be a big smash. They were not. Then a decent-sized nap, followed by vacant waking up process. Lisa and I went out for smoothies and drank them by the creepy statue of a dude in front of Granger (I kept rubbing his feet... uh). Then we did the Monkees walk and sang "Daylight Savings" (oh-so clever parody of Counting Crows' "Daylight Fading") until she had to go (hoho) swing dancing with her cool Asian friends. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Back to apartment, where I read very briefly and then watched the American Bandstand 50th anniversary. Dick Clark was born (built?) in 1929. Wow. Jerry Springer played guitar, with backup from Billy Preston and Ray Parker, Jr. Weird shit. Then we all went out for bubble tea and sinus pills (I only had the latter, and I don't think they're working). We rented Final Destination, which is pretty damn awesome in case you forgot. I especially like it when the main guy starts duct taping everything to the walls and freaking out about fish hooks. The silent buses are good, too. Now it is 1:30, and I am cool. Cool. Perhaps I will read more. Or just keep coughing and hacking for a bit. Right on.

I won't be soothed,