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04/11/2003 - 10:36 a.m. | and instead of saying all of your goodbyes

For those of y'all with the impression that we undecided LAS "majors" are scatter-brained and unresourceful, put this in your pipe and smoke it. While running - RUNNING - to my advising meeting and dodging all you slow people (including a certain crack-addled Death Troll), I managed to use my little Eagle Saver's card to repair my smashed up CD player. Not resourceful - psh!

And I'm well-prepared! Came into crazy meeting with my requirements packet from a year ago, and I'm done with practically all the courses and shit! "Bev" was quite impressed. Unfortunately, she wasn't much help in the whole "advising" department. She was like, "Well, you could take another psych course!" Yes. I could. Or makeup. Guess we'll see how availability will go. But anyway, LAS ROX. And I'm not just the fucking exception. I won't have any of your prejudice. Hardcore!

Dunno if I'm gonna be able to work in the fields after all. I just got the stupey e-mail about it today, and I still have to fill out the form and get it to IMPE, and the schedule is supposed to be made today. Oopsie. I suck...

Guess what I heard this morning when I went to bed? BIRDS. Fuckers.

I won't be soothed,