annals | guests | diaryland

04/11/2003 - 12:52 a.m. | this is the part of the song where i didn't write any lyrics

Sore throat has evolved into death cough. Rheumatiz' is finally catchin' up with me! So, today (or what amounted to today). Up at 2, update diary, argue with Lisa, win argument (yes!), shower, and then we walked to Parasol to look for CDs. Now, some people might - might - consider me a music snob, but I am fucking weak shit compared to a lot of people. People who go to Parasol, for instance. I can usually recognize like 1 of 10 artists there. Prolly not even familiar with them; just recognition. But anyway, I wasn't gonna get anything (Spoon can wait, you know?), but tucked away I found a Neutral Milk Hotel EP and the Jeff Mangum live album (he being the lead singer of NMH... I like them)! So yay! Happy! Then off to Strawberry Fields for dinner and fat free brownie mix (Lisa says it's good, but I remain doubtful) Back here for Yello ("Oh, yeah...... More beautiful!") and other good tunes. We talked and slept, and I was briefly pissy, as can be evidenced by my writings, but things are good. It's a good thing I didn't actually need to accomplish stuff today. Tomorrow I only have 2 classes (fo' real): entomology and entomology discovery session! hoho - I also have to go talk to my advisor about what to do for next year. Since I doubt I'll be able to get bumped up and take advertising stuff any sooner, I'm thinking about getting a minor in something. Lisa suggests Japanese; Justin, rhetoric. If anyone has any useful ideas, let me know.

I won't be soothed,