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04/10/2003 - 2:22 p.m. | neither gone nor forgotten

Good morning. You may have noticed that I have not updated lately. This is not to say that I haven't been writing. I'm just in that old public / private debate again. I didn't really intend to not write here; in fact, I wrote lots of notes throughout the week so that I could update. I dunno - advantages, disadvantages. My mom needs something to read, though, so I guess I'll keep it going.

I stayed up late. Ridiculously late. Stupidly late. 8 late. My reasons are not sound. Actually, all week I've stayed up late, but I'll get to that in a bit. Anyway, apprently my body has decided to reject more than 6 hours of sleep. My plan was to doze all afternoon and re-energize. Nope. Seriously, though, I have a love-hate relationship with sleeping (have I been over this? forgive me)... It's so good when I finally do lie down, but it wastes so much time whenever I get around to it! If I sleep at night, I miss crazy Kyle and Spritz (and lately Dank??) antics and everything being deserted; if I sleep during the day, I miss things being open and people being about. So, seems to me the only solution is no sleep ever. Again, sorry if I'm repeating. OK - I'm gonna sort through the last week and get that up here.

I won't be soothed,