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04/02/2003 - 3:52 p.m. | super dot turn on (super.turnon)

I just lost the entry about my day because someone IMd me and I tried to click back to this window, but I hit the fucking pop up ad, and now it's all gone. And now the person who IMd me left. I really need a smoke.

To be brief (har): Up at 8, shower, skip psych (haha) to study for BUGS and get help on math (8/10? Here's hoping!). It smelled like feces on the walk to Allen by Oregon. Human feces. Entomology test was all right. I did about as well as I did last time. And I hope all of YOU did worse. :| With time to spare, came back here to grab post-Vicodin Kyle and head to Theatre. We rocked the Denzel Washington, and then we had to come up with an idea for this satire of something here at UIUC. We essentially picked us. The title of our pieces was something along the lines of "I would have come up with a title, but I had all this work to do, but I ended up watching informericals and eating ramen until 4 in the morning, and I can't sleep because I have an 8 o'clock class, so I'm screwed." Starring Steve Buscemi as the chain-smokin', coffee-drinkin', sleep-not-gettin', backwards-hat-wearin', neurotic, procrastinating college student. Co-starring Robert DeNiro as the black guy (think about it). It would be a lot of fun to write - and perform - but then I'd start smoking, and that'd be it for me. Then, off to history. Will the TA got us out pretty early today, with the help of his brilliant students (ME!), so Justin and I got thai. Then some shit terrible lab about parasites, although we watched some pretty good old school educational videos about malaria. God, she's such a slit. OK, we're about caught up now.

Three minor notes (AAA - ha!): 1) Kyle bought this shitty Hawaiian Punch grape "juice." The top three ingredients are as follows: water, sugar, less than 2% juice. I can't even recreate the face it makes me make. My teeth are rotting; I can feel them. It's poison. 2) Almost out of gum cigarettes. Then what?! 3) The title refers to either something in one of Dank's CS thingies or the nerd aphrodisiac I plan on making.

I won't be soothed,