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03/22/2003 - 4:29 a.m. | honey honey honey honey

Rest of the night: So, came back here at 10, *cough* borrowed Kyle's car (the keys were here! I am only human!!!), and cruised to Meijer! Man, driving with CDs is soooo good! God! *moan* I missed it. So that was lots of fun, and I got to Meijer, and I was all gluttonous, so I got a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have (iced molasses cookies, lime chips and salsa, Pez, Redbull - which I haven't had yet) not to mention some sunless tanner (hahahah). Drove back the long way so as to more thoroughly scream Neutral Milk Hotel at the drunks on Green St.

Back at 11:30, applied tanner... I hope I turn bright orange. Started eating and decided I needed Will Smith and Jerry Bruckheimer, so Enemy of the State it was! Pretty crap, but you know... I like crap. Talked to Michelle for a while... and now it's 4:30. Explain that. Getting up at 9 to get Lips tickets :D :D :D I know! Same old, same old! I'm not trying to be snooty here. I like Matchbox 20 too!!

"You taste like honey, honey
Tell me can I be your honey"

Dear God, that's lousy. And you know my feelings about that word. Whatever. I still enjoy it:

"I got a disease
Deep inside me
Makes me feel uneasy, baby
I can't live without you
Tell me what I am supposed to do about it
Keep your distance from it
Don't pay no attention to me
I got a disease"

I won't be soothed,