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03/22/2003 - 4:20 a.m. | live from crce, pt. ii

SPRING BREAK! Actually, no. We are live from CRCE yet again. Friday evening. Not that this is particularly prime time. Everyone - and I mean everyone - I ever even have the notion to hang out with is gone. So I guess it's good I have something to fill my time up with. Tonight'll be hella boring, I think. Packing (read as "desperately attempting to overcome my urge to horde") and yeah... Kyle left the keys to his car, so maybe adventure or something (although I doubt it).

Speaking of adventures with Kyle, he had to catch a train to Chicago (chichi), and I was gonna drive his car back to Europa afterwards. He kept losing things he needed, though, so we didn't out the door until 6:20 (train leaves at 6:55, I'm supposed to be at work at 6:45). So, we go pick up Lisa (she happens to be taking the same train) and head on over there. 6:40, we're there and Kyle realizes he forgot his ticket at home. Shit. So, we drop Lisa off, fly back to the apartment, grab the ticket, and back to the station. 6:55 on the dot, I swear. We rock. I called CRCE and told them I'd be a little late, and they were fine with that, but I still feel sorta bad (and I might be wrong about the fine part... the guy's been shunning me all night). Not nearly as bad as Kyle, though. He was really beating himself up over the whole thing. Apprently, he gets very, very scatterbrained when sleepy. Poor kid.

Important notes:
-Learn what "dancing manias" are. Simulate if possible.
-Sunless tanner? Hmm... possibly. I am the palest person I know.
-I sprayed some of Spritz's (I spritzed it AHAHAHHAHAHAH) Curve cologne on the pits of my IMPE t-shirt. Damn sweaty DDRing. I sorta dig the small, though.

I won't be soothed,