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03/20/2003 - 10:40 a.m. | too short to care

ennui up the ass: TURDA!!!!!

ennui up the ass: that's my catchphrase

ennui up the ass: turbo tub-tub is a magician

Lisa just went completely insane, I think. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

After history and shit, Justin gave me money for Flaming Lips tickets and then we went to Record Service. Terrible idea, but somehow I abstained. But man, it was hard! They had the GRAND ULENA CD (OMG - so so shitty) and I kinda wanted to get an Other Guys CD for the Morrow Plots song and I want to cram in some more hip hop and Flaming Lips for spring break. But I refrained. I actually need the money Justin gave me for its intended purpose. Kyle and I may be going out today, though, which is not a good turn of events. Well, it is and it isn't, you know?

Hold on, I have to go watch some porn with Kyle, I think.

I won't be soothed,