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03/20/2003 - 3:16 p.m. | brain melt glarg glarg glarg

Man, I was having such a good day! Kyle and I went on an adventure to the courthouse and Urbana and stuff. Singing with the windows down and sunroof open is tops. Lunch at Wendy's is good as well - except it costs us precious, precious money. And then this girl blatantly stretched for us, aiming her butt right at us, on Oregon... Man, I am not an ass person usually, but this really was exceptional. We looped around the block once and she was still going at it. ANYWAY, leering beside, all things were going peachy, so I decided to do a little math. Ahhh! MIND FUCK! Turning functions into power series blows my mind. I couldn't do 2 problems (of 5... well, I could do them, but it would just be this huge random guesses), and I'm not sure how right the other three are anyway. So yes - I have, have - have - HAVE to go talk to Mr. TA Guy tomorrow before class. Don't let me not do that! But yeah, now I feel all dumb... I hope Kyle gets back soon, so we can go out and focus my brain back on Counting Crows and how pretty it is out.

I won't be soothed,