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03/19/2003 - 3:48 p.m. | Yesterday!

Yesterday! A Musical by Nathan Walsh (not really)

So, yesterday, got a good 8 hours of sleeping (er - I meant to type "sleep," but apparently, I am not as fine as I thought), healing me completely in every way. Then, off to history followed by some Price is Right. Man, I do not have the knack for that show! Everything is so much more expensive than I could ever imagine. 3 wheel scooter: $500. Giant ridiculous clock: $1,600. I would lose hardcore. Or I'd spin the wheel poorly and none of it would matter anyway. Games of total chance suck balls. Anyway, then it was off to Kenney for some work. About a million degrees down in that dank little hole, but you get used to it. Got all my homework done (except for this little half page paper about the invention of something - I wrote mine on Velcro :D) and then Lisa and I went to Walgreen's for junk food. I ran to Green St. coffeehouse to take a mad piss (haha) after she decided to start taking picture by the garbage canal. Then I got pad thai from the Y (so much better than Basil's) and we came back here to take a few disturbing pictures (for those of y'all who have a sincere urge to see Kyle kissing me, I'll ask Lisa for copies).

Then, Kyle and I departed on an adventure for job applications for Brytne, him, and myself (to a lesser degree). Despite the fact that it is completely unfeasible, I would still love to stay here over the summer. Even if I had to work all the time, it would be the first really fun summer I've had... well, ever. Take classes, work a lot, envelope myself in positive influences so as to be more confident... it would be cool. So yeah - we ended up hitting pretty much everywhere around Prospect, so the prospects are many ;) ;) ;) The lady at Structure yelled at us for coming in and asking for aps when we already had a huge pile for other places between us. "Professionalism" Psh. She obviously knows nothing of comedy. It took us somewhere around 3 hours, but we now have a novel-sized pile of aps each. My top ten picks are as follows: 1) Dry Ice (selling Hello Kitty merch to preteens = best), 2) Dollar Tree (the theory being I would get a 10% discount), 3) Berean Bookstore (Faking Jesus love for 8 hours a day would be the best ever), 4) Tilt (surly arcade worker), 5) Anywhere preppy (King Nerd dances to the flashy techno and scares off the customers), 6) Yankee Candle Company (hahahahahah), 7) Factory Card Outlet :|, 8) Bath and Body Works (the stench of flowers would follow me everywhere), 9) Linens and Things (yay towels!), 10) Vitamin World. The common theme is no being no where I belong fucking at all! Truly, the optimum thing would be for me to get part time at all of those places and just rotate about like a madman. Think of the job experience! I am vaguely excited!

So, Kyle and I came back here, ate chicken patties, and watched some "American Idol" (bleh - 2 hours last night and another tonight... so, so much. By the way, fuck Charles Grigsby). I crapped out the aforementioned Velcro paper and then DDR'd with Jeremy (who bought another pad!!). Michelle came over and then she and I played for a bit, but I suck it up too much. Then we got in some ridiculous argument (I was the ridiculous part mostly) about her doing dishes or something. Somehow I won by doing Kyle's chore for him...? Then, we made a dozy attempt at math homework, followed by a last minute trip to Ragamuffin for bubble tea! I prolly should've worn a coat because it was drizzly and windy and the walk back was pretty damn cold. Then more dozy math and sleep. Ter-dah.

I won't be soothed,